162 Candles

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     Today I had to get up early for questioning. I was under a lot of stress. I have to lie about Vicki's disappearance. Everytime I think about it I just want to cry. I know what she said about me, but I don't believe that's how she actually felt towards me. I took a deep breath trying to get my mind off of that and on to something else. The guy I saw, I haven't seen him since then. I have no idea what he meant by seeing me later and I have so much other things I could do. What other things can I do? And when will I see him again?

I sit there in the sheriffs office.

"Where did Vicki say she was going?" She asks.

"She didn't," Jeremy answers.

"Did she tell her brother where she was going?"

"No she didn't say anything to me. She told Jeremy to tell me that she was leaving town," Matt says.

"Is there anyone I can talk to that may know what happened to her prior to her leaving town?" She asks Matt.

"Stefan Salvatore may know. He came by the house to see her but she wouldn't talk to him," He answers.

"What was he doing there?"

"I was trying to help her, I knew that Elena was worried about her brother, he was dating Vicki and she had a drug problems, so I tried to help," Stefan answers.

"So you got involved because Elena asked you to?"

"I asked Stefan to help. Well I asked Blair first but she didn't know how to help. I thought that, by helping Vicki, he was helping my brother," Elena answers.

"Why couldn't Blair help her?"

"I couldn't help because I couldn't see her in that condition," I say trying not to cry.

"What was her behavior like those last few days before she left?"

"Up and down, very sketchy, like she was coming down from some major partying," Matt says.

"Any signs of aggression or violence?"

"None that I remember," Jeremy says.

"No," Stefan says.

"No," Elena says.

"No just very excited all the time," I answered.

"So you believe Vicki really has left town?"

"Yes," Matt answers.

"Yes," Stefan answers.

"Yes," Elena says.

"Yes, sadly yes I do believe she left town," I answer.

"I'll miss her but....I think it's for the best," Jeremy says.

Stefan is waiting in front of the sheriff's office for Elena. Matt exits the building and walks past Stefan. I run pass Stefan to catch Matt, "Matt," I shout. He stops and looks at me.

"I was trying to help her Matt. That's all," Stefan says from behind me.

Matt leave. Elena comes out, "Stefan, I didn't call his name for you to think it'll be okay for you to talk to him," I snapped.

"Blair, I did what was best-"

"For you," I finished.

"She was going to hurt Elena," He tries to sympathies.

"So, you hurt her," I say wiping a tear.

"Blair please," Elena says and I just put my hands up and walk away.

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