Children of the Damned

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I wake up and look over to Tyler who was just waking up also. I smiled and laid on his chest, "Good morning," I say looking at him.

He smiles sweetly, "Good morning," He kisses me quickly. "Are you better?"

He plays with my hair, "Yeah, it just I have a lot on my plate you know," I make circles on his chest.

"How about a day just you and me and we watch movies and shows all day?" He suggests.

"I would love that," I smile and give him a kiss. "Your so nice to me."

"Yeah, don't tell anyone. Okay," He jokes. I laugh but then my phone rings and Tyler looks at me not wanting me to pick it up.

"Hello?" I say answering and a mouth a sorry to Tyler as I sit up to listen. "Stefan?"

"I need you to come with me to talk to Alaric."

"For what reason?" I ask. Tyler rolls his eyes and gets up to distract me by kissing my neck.

"He knows. I just know he does," Stefan says sounding paranoid.

I bite my lip and hold in a moan, "I'll be there," I say and Tyler backs up and falls out on the bed. I hang up and look at Tyler. "I'm sorry. I just need to take care of this then we can have our day."

"Yeah, okay Blair," He says as I get up and put on my clothes.

I have to go. If he hurts Alaric i'd have to kill him too. He can't take him away from me like they have been doing the others. I get to Mysic Falls high where I met up with Stefan, "You're not going to hurt him are you?" I ask.

"I'll do it if I have too," He shrugs.

I stop and push Stefan's chest, "Your not going to hurt him right?" I say less of a question.

"Okay," He puts his hands up and we kept walking in.

"Hello?" Alaric gets up and goes out into the hallway to look around. "Hello?" He looks around again. "Someone there?"

Alaric turns to his right and begins to walk down the corridor. Alaric turns around and quickly walks off to the teacher's lounge. He opens his locker and takes out a duffel bag which he retrieves a blow dart gun from, modified to use wooden stakes. Alaric takes one of the wooden stakes and inserts it into the blow gun. He cocks the gun and walks back to his classroom. Before entering, he hides up against the wall out in the corridor next to the classroom door. Swiftly, he turns into the doorway, points the gun, and shoots the dart. Stefan, without effort, grabs the stake and stares at Alaric. Alaric begins to reload another stake into the gun as Stefan watches him. Alaric looks down and cocks the gun, moving towards the doorway as he does so. Stefan vamp-speeds around him and blocks his way. Alaric looks up at him and Stefan grabs him by his shirt, "You shouldn't have done that," Stefan says.

"Stefan don't hurt him," I yell.

Stefan sighs and pushes Alaric into the desk and takes the gun from him. Alaric looks at me confused and scrambles up from the floor, ready to fight, "Have a seat," Stefan says smoothly.

"Please Alaric just sit down. Your fine I promise," I say and Alaric hesitates, but Stefan points at a chair, insisting that he does as he is told. Alaric looks to me and sits down in a desk.

Stefan examines the gun, "What is this, compressed air?" Stefan asks and Alaric doesn't respond. "Did you make it yourself? Who are you?" Stefan moves closer to Alaric, who flinches. "I'm not going to hurt you...unless you try that again."

"No, he isn't going to hurt you at all. At least while i'm here," I assure him. I take a seat at a desk next to Alaric.

Stefan hands Alaric the gun and Alaric takes it. Stefan pulls one of the desk upright and sits on top of it, looking at Alaric, "Yeah, we establish that my partner here Blair loves you so we won't hurt you. Now...who are you?" He asks.

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