Birthday Surprises

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"Ouch!" Jungkook pulled away, there did was a small cut on his knuckle "stay still" jimin complained while hee-jin watched from the living room the cat on her arms "what happened to him?" With closed eyes yoongi asked from the chair "he hitted a mean man" she proudly said making her teachers eyes quickly open "he what?!" The two males in the kitchen looking over at the wide eyed man.

"Yep he was telling mean things to minie so I told daddy and he punched him!" She resumed what happened in the store before they arrived "but why?" Confused he looked over at the couple "it was jae-hyuk" his jaw clenched at the mention of the man "hope you punched him good" before leaning back and closing again his eyes "i wish I could have done more to him" jungkook mumbled under his breath before he got hitted on the back of his head "i'm thankful you stopped him but if he had called the police? then what?!"

A pout in his lips while Jungkook smiled up at the blonde man "i would prefer going to jail doing the right thing" and they could hear yoongi groan in annoyance at the black haireds man cheesy words while jimin blushed.

After jimin finished cleaning jungkooks small cut they both sat on the living room "i will get going" yoongi got up making his way to jimin and patting his head "make sure to call your mom" jimin nodded before the blue haired man walked out of the apartment "so hee-jin you told me that your birthday was coming up" he looked over at the brown haired girl who widely smiled and nodded.

"What do you want your party to be like?" Her dad asked while placing a piece of her hair behind her ear as she thinked, she opened her mouth eyes wide as she knew how she wanted her party "i want it to be of Captain America!!" She enthusiastically said still petting the cats head "the only thing she didn't got from me" her dad mumbled making the blonde man beside him burst into a fit of laughter.

"And you also want your cake like captain America?" And she quickly nodded before standing up and whispering in his ear "i want you to make it" jimin sweetly smiled placing a hand on his chest "I would love to!" He told her as she jumped excitedly.


He was getting stressed out, it has been the, thankfully, second time he messed up the cake "jimin aren't you going home?" One of his co-workers asked him while walking inside the shops kitchen "no i need to finish this cake" he sighed straightening up and flipping back his blonde hair "what is wrong with the other two?" The older man chuckled at the frustrated man.

"The first one over cooked too much and the second one was too salty" his co-worker laughed walking beside him "the next will come out just great" he reassured the shorter man "i guess it's just that it has been a little long since i did a cake and not a cupcake" the taller man laughed again walking back to the door "trust me jimin the next one will come out great and... there's someone waiting for you" leaving with a cheeky smile and behind a confused jimin.

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