"Nothings is wrong with it. I made sure of that," she said defensively.

"It's alright ma'am" I seeped my hand into my bag and handed her our money.

"Its against store policy, but I feel you need the money. Take this."

She stared at my hand, looking down cast before reaching to collect it.

"Thank you. You are so kind."

"And you are beautiful," I replied, smiling brightly at her.

She left with a huge smile on her face.

At home, I ended up making biscuits for dessert, as well as some chicken and chips. I heard the cloud rumble outside and i hurried to the window.

I gasp as I looked outside. It must have been raining for a while. The floors were wet, and the lightning flashed. I'm suddenly grateful I'm not in the rain but safe and sound in the house.

The rain gets me really agitated. It's been like that since childhood. Whenever it rained, I'd lock up my window get under my blanket and sleep.

My heart thundered in my chest, not only because of my fear of the rain, but because Demilade wasn't home yet. Is he stuck somewhere? Maybe I turned to leave, but I saw headlights shine into the house from outside. I turn back around quickly grabbed an umbrella and headed outside.

He came running from the car frantically and I held up the umbrella. He fell into it, grabbed my waist, and we headed inside.

"Are you drenched?" I asked, keeping the umbrella back where I got it from.

"No, thanks to you. Let me change my clothes. I'll be right back."


I took his absence as an opportunity to close the windows so I won't hear the rain or thunder.

I created a pace for us in the living room on the floor and I set our food in the middle.

Demilade isn't really keen on movies not to talk about Korean movies. I have tried and failed to help him see how the movies end, but he sleeps halfway through, so I didn't bother to discuss which movie to watch. He's kind of old in that aspect.

"This looks good," he said and sit on the floor beside me.

"Thank you"

"Which movie are we watching" He says and flex his muscles. I stare at his arms and chest hungrily.

"There's this new Korean movie that I want to watch. I have seen the thriller and I think it's going to be interesting," I explained, scrolling through the TV

"What's the title?" He says as he munch on the chips.

"It's okay not to be okay. I'm really excited. It's a Netflix movie and all Netflix movies are great." I say, and I can hear the excitement in my voice. I get excited about little things.

"Seems to me like you've made your choice." I look at him and his staring at me. I didn't want to make him feel bad.."I'm sorry. We can watch something else. I can just download it later and watch it on my phone."

I can be selfish when I find something I'm interested in and it's not allowed in relationships. Compromise is the key.

"Its alright. I'll go with whatever you want. I'm happy as long as you're happy."

I lift my butt off the ground and kiss him. He smiles and I smile back. I place my head gently on his chest and wondered why he was wearing a scowl.

"I have some news though" The look on his face tells me it's not one I'd like to hear

"What is it?"

" Dad's coming over this weekend. He says he has unfinished business"he said and I lift myself off his chest.

"You don't want him to come?"

"Its not like I have a choice" I sense a little of resentment in his voice. I totally get where he's coming from. My father-in-law is an asshole.

"What happened to both of you.?"

"What do you mean?"

I paused the movie so we could talk

"The last time they were here, he made a statement. He asked how business was moving and you said fine, but he replied saying that's what you said the last time. What happened the last time?" I asked him.

"How come you remember that? I shrugged... well, what he meant by the last time was we lost some amount of money in the company and how it happened remains a mystery. Dad heard about it, how... I still don't know""So, he's been taunting you with it"I said.

"Is the company yours or his?"

"It's mine, but he has shares and he's my father."I opened my mouth to say something but quickly stopped myself. Money disappearing is really strange to me. I wanted to tell him he made passes at me. To tell him everything, but I couldn't. He dislikes his father as it is. I wouldn't be helping the situation.

"Hey...you okay?" He caresses my cheek.

"Yeah. I'm good"

"Don't worry. We'll be alright," He said, and I smiled at the last part We went back to watching the movie.

________________________________A book I read on here inspired the phone call. The name is textrovert by hideinzshadows. It's an interesting book you'll should read. I loved it.Don't forget to read, vote, comment like you always do.

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