Chapter 25 ~ Meeting new people

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**Gerard's POV**

Mikey pulls Brendon away from Ryan again and Brendon whines, crying for Ryan to come save him.

"Bren, tell them about yourself." Mikey says in a bored tone, interrupting Brendon's whining.

Brendon sighs in defeat, folding his arms with a potty expression on his face. "Fine." He groans. He sighs before telling about himself. "I play guitar, cello, banjo, piano, the spoons, drums, har-"

"You don't need to tell them every instrument, Brenny." Ryan interrupts him.


After everyone, except for Mikey, left the room, I lay down and turn over to see Frank's legs covered by his hospital gown. I lay my arm over his lap and look up at him to see that his beautiful smile was shining down on me.

"So, uhh... You guys need anything or are you good?" Mikey asks awkwardly. Not like there was any other way to describe him at all times.

"We're good. Thanks, Mikes." Frank answers.

"Yes, thank you, Michael. Now leave." I add and try to snuggle closer to Frank as he ruffles my hair playfully.

"Gee, thanks, Gerard." Mikey says before leaving the room.

Once the door closes, I look up at Frank and flash him a small smile. I watch him giggle as he boops my nose. "I love you, Frankie." I tell him.

"I love you, too, Gee." He says in return.

I never realized that his wrists and hands were bandaged, until now as he brings one arm to lay on my shoulder.

"Frankie...?" I ask quietly, hoping he didn't hear me because I didn't know if I actually wanted the answer to my question or not.

"Yeah, Gee?" He replies, looking into my eyes with such intensity as though he was searching for a single dust particle in a room full of people.

"Y-You know you can tell me anything no matter what, right?" Ugh, I sound like I'm starting a mother/child conversation with him.

"Y-Yeah..." He answers, moving his hands to try and pull his hospital gown down to completely cover his thighs. "Why?" He asks nervously.

**Frank's POV**

Fuck. He knows, doesn't he...? If I never punched the mirror, he wouldn't have found out. But, in my defense, even I didn't know I was going to do it.

"Uhh... I-I'm sorry, but um..." Gerard stutters as he slowly pulls up my hospital gown to see my thighs. I watch as his eyes widen when he sees the giant bandages covering both my thighs even though I wasn't injured there from the incident. I feel a tear roll down slowly, tickling my face as it slides down.

Gerard looks up at me, seeing the single tear. "Frankie, why didn't you tell me?" He asks as he sits up to wrap his arms around me protectively.

"I-I just- I don't know- I guess I just didn't want you to feel bad for me..." I answer.

"Frankie, don't think like that. You know I can help you." He tells me, voice breaking and about to cry.

"I- But I-I don't want help though..." I say.

"Frankie, I don't care! You can't do this to yourself! You deserve to think about yourself what is true. And what's true is that you are a handsome, sweet, funny, amazing, absolutely beautiful person and I would hate to lose you. I love the way your voice sounds, I love your laugh, I love your gorgeous golden-green eyes, I love your cute pink lips, I love the way you style your hair, I love everything about you." Gerard tells me, looking me in the eyes and gripping my shoulders tightly. His eyes are red and I can feel that my breathing is hitched and I'm beginning to shake now. A tear rolls down his cheek painfully slowly, a look of grief and sorrow plastered onto his face. {AN: You know, like in the I Don't Love You vid}

"O-okay." I reply, not knowing what to say.

"I love you so much, Frank. And it breaks my heart to know that you hurt yourself. Please try to stop. For me?" He tells me, holding me tight in his arms.

"Okay. I love you, too, Gee." I answer.

AN: I'm so sorry for the huge wait, it's been weeks. It's just with school and traveling and shit like that. I'm sick so I didn't have to do anything today except for eat, drink water, take medicine, and rest, so I had time to work on this. Thanks for understanding, if you do. Again, I'm super sorry, please forgive me. Sorry. Okay, sorry, I'm done. Goodbye, Night Walkers.

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