Chapter 12 ~ In trouble.

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**Gerard's POV**

Mikey jumps up from the couch, looking surprisingly angry. "Where have you been all this time!? Frank's house is only across the street!"

"Mikey, calm down, little bro. We fell asleep while watching a movie, that's all." I reply.

"Oh, come on, Gerard! I know you have the hots for him. You know that's not all that happened!"

"Mikey! I promise we were just watching movies and we fell asleep! Nothing else happened! Why won't you trust me!?"

"Okay, for one," Mikey continues, enraged, "who stays out this la-"

"Boys, calm down!" Our mom interrupts. Me and Mikey shoot our angered gazes toward her. "I'm happy that you have a friend, Gerard. I understand that socializing isn't exactly your strong suit. But, you must understand that staying out past cerfew, six hours past cerfew, is very worrying. Now, Mikey, you better get to bed." Mikey nods in response and walks upstairs. "As for you, Gerard." Uh-oh. "I need you to tell me absolutely everything that happened over at that boy's house."

"I went over to Frank's house after school and we did homework for a few hours. Then we decided to watch a couple movies. We fell asleep during one of them, and that's all that happened." I answer, looking her in the eye the whole time. The only part that was a lie was that it was after school, well, and the homework part. I also left out the make-out session, but she doesn't need to know about that.

"Are you sure that's all that happened, Gerard?" She interrogates.

"Yes. Now can I go to my room?"

"Alright. I love you. Goodnight."

"Love you, too, mom." I reply, walking off to my room in the basement. I've always liked living in the basement. Of course, the whole house isn't in the basement, but I basically live down here, and no one really comes down, so I basically have the whole level to myself. I've already completely moved in, with the exception of a few duffle bags being left packed. I put all my art stuff in one room, transforming it into a studio for what I do best; art.

I change into a Superman shirt and matching pajama pants. I get into bed and fall asleep in anticipation to see my Frankie tomorrow.

AN: It's really short, but I needed to update, so here it is. Till next time, Night Walkers.

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