Chapter 28 ~ Back at last

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**Gerard's POV**
The morning after Frankie got the shots, I came to pick him up in my mom's car. I only have a learner's permit, so I had my mom sit in the backseat as I drove. I wanted it to feel like I was driving alone. I pulled into a parking space and got out, walking towards the hospital building and leaving my mom sitting in the back seat of the small, cramped car.

I went into the elevator and pressed the button to go to the sixth floor. I move quickly to room 6604. I knocked on the door and it was opened almost immediately. I was quickly pulled inside, hearing the door click shut. I saw Frank looking up at me, holding onto me firmly by my shirt collar. He was still in his hospital gown. He moved his hands from tugging at my shirt to link together behind my neck. He starts to sway us slightly.

"I've been up since four AM waiting for you. I couldn't sleep because I was so excited to be getting out of this place. I hate hospitals." Frank informs, smiling up at me.

"I know you do, Frank. Just get dressed and we can leave after checking you out of the hospital." I say kindly.

"Yeah, but the bandages they put on my legs make it hurt to wear my skinny jeans." He tells me, looking at me with a disappointed glare.

"Hey," I start, "You're the one who made the mess. At least you didn't have to clean it up. Instead, I had to call an ambulance to come break down the door and make sure you would live."

Frank sighs, pulling away and folding his arms defensively. "I know." He groans in reply, a sullen look placed upon his face.

I sigh, looking into his eyes. "I love you, Frankie." I say.

He drops his arms. "I love you, too, Gee." He smiles up at me, bringing his arms back around my waist.

I let out a small giggle and pull him closer to me, resting my cheek on his head. "You should get dressed. I understand that the bandages make it hurt to wear your skinny jeans but when we get home, I can lend you a pair of sweat pants." I tell him, smiling to myself.

"Okay." He agrees in a pouty voice.

"Alright, I'll just be waiting outside for you." I say and leave the room.


Frank slowly opens the hospital room door, stepping out for me to see him. "Okay, I'm ready." He says.

"Okay, let's go." I say, standing up and grabbing his hand. We begin walking and I realize he's wincing with every step. Without hesitation, I pick him up bridal style and continue walking.

He frantically grabs onto my neck for support. "Gerard, what are you doing!?" He shouts.

"It obviously hurts you to walk, so I'm going to carry you." I reply calmly.

He sighs, relaxing. "Okay." He says, accepting the fact.

When we get to the car, I set him down and open the passenger seat door for him, letting him get inside. "I love you." I whisper into his ear before going to the opposite side of the car and climbing into the drivers seat.

"What took so long?" My mom asks. Oops, I forgot she was even here...

"Frank still had to change his clothes, Ma." I answer.

"Okay." She replies, sighing.

••Another time lapse alright••

I pull into the driveway of my house and take the key out of the ignition. I let my mom and Frank get out before locking the doors. I walk up to the front door and unlock it. I then place the keys into my mom's hands and turning to pick Frank bridal style again so that it doesn't hurt him.

"C'mon, Frankie. Let's go to my room." I say, smiling down at him. He smiles back with his usual wide, toothy smile.

"Okay, Gee." He replies.

When we get down to my room, I set him down on my bed and start searching through my dresser.

"What are you looking for?" Frank asks me curiously.

"I told you that once we got home I would let you wear a pair of my sweat pants. Or, if you want, I could let you wear some of my pajamas." I answer. "Which would you prefer?"

"Umm..." He stops to think. "Maybe the pajamas?" He finally says.

"Okay." I say and pull out a pair of Spiderman pj's. "You need to stay in here and change so that I know you're safe instead of worrying about last time."

"Yeah... Sorry about that..." He blushes.

"If you're uncomfortable, I could turn around." I suggest.

"Y-Yeah, that sounds good." Frank answers.

"Okay. Just remember, I've already seen your penis before." I smile innocently at him.

His face turns bright red. "Shut up, Gerard." He says, glaring at me.

"Sorry, Frankie, but it's true." I reply, shrugging.

"I know, Gerard. Just turn around, already!" He groans at me.

"Alright, drama queen." I say, turning around as told. "Just hurry up."

I listen to the rustling of fabric as Frank slowly changes out of his clothes and into my pajamas. I hear him grunt in slight pain when he pulls his skinny jeans off and I hear him sigh once he finally gets them off. I hear the fabric of his shirt being pulled up and I slowly turn my head to try and look at him.

He catches me in the act and pulls his shirt back down. "Don't you even dare. I knew you were going to try and get a peek." He glares at me, grinning through it.

"Awh, but come on, Frankie. You have such a nice face. I want to see the rest of your body." I say, slowly approaching him.

"No, Gerard. Maybe later, but not now." Frank answers sternly.

I pout at him, jutting out my lower lip. "Okay..." I reply, turning back around.

**Frank's POV**
Really, Gerard is kind of a slut. But only for me for some reason. There's this guy he hangs out with sometimes though. I think his name is Bert. Bert McCracken. I'm like 90% sure he's had sex with every guy in school. I've seen him pull moves on Gerard, who declines and says he has a boyfriend. And by 'boyfriend' he's more likely than not referencing me into the conversation. Gerard also likes to call himself a jacket slut because he's been really into wearing jackets and sweaters and coats and such lately and I think that's cute.

Once I was done changing my clothes, I told Gerard he could turn back around. He practically skips up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Can we cuddle now, Frankie?" He asks me, looking into my eyes.

I sigh. "Sure." I answer, smiling up at him.

He pulls me over to the bed, pulling the covers down. "Get in." He speaks simply.

I do as told and he climbs in after me, pulling the covers over us both. I lay my head on his chest and he moves one of his hands to play with my hair. We lay there for a long time. I don't even know how long.

AN: Hooray, I updated again! It makes me so happy to know that all of you are enjoying this. Stay classy, sassy, and a little badassy, my friends.

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