Chapter 31 ~ Finally.

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**Frank's POV**

Gerard offers to hold the bag of our things for me.

"No, I've got it." I refuse.

"Alright. So, I was wondering something." Gerard says abruptly.

"Uhh..." I hesitate. What was he going to ask? "Yeah? What is it?"

"How do you imagine our future?" He asks as he starts to walk, pushing me back against the outside wall of the mausoleum.

"I-I don't know, I can only imagine us living together. Maybe with a kid. I'm not sure." I scramble for an answer.

Gerard pins me against the wall, supporting his weight by putting a hand by my head. He finds my hand with his available one, playing with my fingers and holding them in his own. He rubs his thumb over my knuckles, looking down at our hands. He looks back up and smiles at me.

"Do you know how I imagine us?" He asks me, continuing to play lightly with my fingers.

"Sure." I answer, feeling less intimidated and more close to him.

"I imagine us living in a large house together, me making money by writing comics and you can help me with my work and anything else you want to do. I can imagine us with kids as well. Maybe just one. Or a dog instead of a human child; those are easier to take care of and they're more fun. I know you like dogs." He explains.

"I do really like dogs. I think I'd end up as a crazy dog lady if I didn't have you." I joke. He smiles, squeezing my hand.

"Creative, funny, musical, and cute." He says, a wide smile plastered to his face. "I've got a nice package here. I still need you to play your guitar for me, by the way."

"I'll have to remember to bring it over sometime. Or I can have you over when my mom isn't home." I suggest.

"Mmm..." He edges up closer to my face. "Maybe we can play a little more than that guitar of yours." He says. I can feel his breath on my face, and honestly, it's turning me on more than I'd like to say.

"Don't tease me like that, Gee." I say, putting my hands on his chest to restrain him.

He puts his other hand up to run along my jawline, tickling it slightly. "I can tell that you like it a little too much." He says, looking down at my slowly growing crotch area. "But I can stop if you want me to." He compromises, speaking lowly in an insanely attractive tone and volume. I feel my face get hot.

"Jeez, you guys! Get a room!" I hear Mikey's voice from the side. My both mine and Gerard's heads jerk in his direction. "Ray!" He yells, looking over to his side. "Come look at this!"

Ray walks over and sees our whole set up. He laughs. "Frank, you've got a halfy!"

I shove Gerard off of myself, feeling my face get even closer to that of a tomato. "Shut up." I growl, folding my arms.

Gerard laughs through an 'aww' as he pulls me into a close hug. "You look so cute when you blush!" He squeals.

"Let's just go to that field you told me about." I groan, pushing Ray and Mikey aside as I grab Gerard my the hand and drag him with me.

"What!? You're taking him to the field, but not me!?" Mikey screams.

"You don't deserve to go Mikey!" He screams back as I pull him to the cemetery gates with me.

"Why not!?" Mikey whines, his hands balling up into fists like a five-year-old.

"Mikey, stop acting like a child! Just stay here with Ray! You guys can have some," Gerard pauses, leading up to say, "alone time..." in a lower voice, finishing with a wink. Mikey blushes as Gerard runs away, pulling me with him. "Don't look like that, Mikes! Being alone was the whole reason you guys were here!" He shouts as he continues running.

Within about thirty seconds of running, the both of us were already out of breath. "We need to exercise more." I state.

"Yeah." Gerard wheezes out. "But exercise is for chumps." He waves off, still breathing heavily.

I sigh, taking his hand in mine again once his breathing returns to normal. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good now." He answers as he begins walking.

It was about another fifteen minutes until we approach a wall of trees. "And then we go through here." Gerard says, picking me up bridal style and earning a small yelp from my mouth as I cling onto his neck. He giggles and continues walking, stepping to the side when there are trees in the way.

After a few long seconds of dodging trees and stepping over rocks and logs, Gerard gently lets me back down and I grip onto his hand. I look up to see a rather large field with perfect green grass staring back at me.

Gerard looks down at me and smiles. "Do you like it?"

"It's perfect." I answer, looking around in awe.

He chuckles and squeezes my hand, kissing me on the cheek. "I'm glad you think so."

I lay my head on his shoulder, bringing my available arm to wrap around to Gerard's side. He pushes my arm off and I frown, my bottom lip jutting out slightly. "Come on, Frankie. Let's set up our things." He says, pulling me with him.

We get to the center of the field and he takes the bag out of my hand, pulling out the blanket and laying on the ground along with all of the art supplies he brought. I take the water bottles out myself and set them down on the blanket, kicking my shoes off and sitting down as Gerard organized his things. He put all of his supplies with eachother and put his pencils in order of lead hardness, his sketchbooks in order of page size, his pens in order of color along with his paints, and his paintbrushes in order of smallest to largest.

SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT AN: Should I do what I'm planning to do? I don't know... It seems romantic but it's really stupid. And titanicy... It doesn't have to be naked... Help me and comment what yoy think, should Gerard sketch Frank while he isn't paying attention or should he ask Frank to 'pose for him'? If it's the second one, it will be naked.

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