Chapter 6 ~ A new school doesn't always mean a new reputation.

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**Frank's POV**

I walk up to the highschool main entrance, hesitantly.

This was my first day at a new school.

It's not like I hadn't experienced this before.

But that's the problem.

I look down at what I'm wearing.

When I picked it out, I hadn't realized that it was basically the most emo outfit I own.

I had on black converse, black skinny jeans, and a Misfits pullover.

This is sure to get me noticed...


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Shit ass motherfucker.


I don't want to get noticed!

I don't want anyone to grab me by the collar of my shirt and push me up to a locker, calliing me an "emo fag".

I just want this whole day to fly by without a single remark about my clothes.

I walk into the building with my head down, and sure enough, I'm pulled off the ground and shoved up againts a locker.

There's a very jock looking guy with an angry expression on his face.

And damn, his breath stinks.

"What's up, shortstack?" He asks, his breath making me want to throw up all over him and his stupid red letterman jacket.

They always have to bring up my height, don't they? Oh well. At least it's better than being called an emo faggot with no right to live.

"Nothing much, but that breath of your is fucking nasty." I answer.

And with that, I got a puch to the face and I was pushed into the locker.

It was worth it.

I can just stay in here all day.

It'll get me out of class and any more bullying for today, at least.

I feel a warm liquid start to drip down from my nose and slowly onto my lip. I taste it, involuntarily.


Well, shit.

I wonder who's locker this is...

I wonder when they'll open it.

A few minutes pass until the locker door opens and I am placed face to face with a nerdy looking kid, who is also wearing a Misfits shirt, with oddly styled light brown hair and glasses.

He just stand there, looking at me for a moment.

"Wait a minute... Aren't you that kid that moved here last week?" He asks.

"Uhm..." I hesitate. "Yeah? How did you know?" I question.

"I saw you the other day. I'm Mikey."

"Oh. I'm Frank. You like Misfits too?"

Mikey looks down at his shirt. "Yeah, I think they're rad. What's your favorite song by them?"

"I like Die Die My Darling. You?" I answer.

"Astrro Zombies." Mikey replies.

"Uh, can I ask you something?" I ask.

"You just did. But dad jokes are lame so I won't say that to you. What is it, man?"

"Why weren't you shocked or anything when you saw me here in your locker with a bloody nose?" I question him.

"Oh, it happens to me all the time. It doesn't really faze me to see anyone else in my place. Come on, let's go and get all that dried blood off your face." He says and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the locker and leading me to the bathroom.

I jump up and sit on the counter while Mikey gets paper towels.

He comes back and dabs the damp paper towel on the places where the dried blood is.

"So, why do you style your hair like that?" I ask, breaking the actually comfortable silence.

"I don't know. I just like it." He answers.

"Oh. Well, it's really nice of you to do this for me." I say.

"Well, you kind of deserve it after being punched in the face and shoved into a locker, right?"

AN: Okay, that's all for now, guys. It's four AM and my mom is yelling at me to go to bed. Till next time, Night Walkers. Bye.

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