Chapter 47 ~ Writer's block can suck my dog's tic-tac dick

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Shout out to one particular reader who got through the whole story so far in less than twenty-four hours; Sera_Fallen_Angel_96. Cudos to you, my friend. Also, I must apologize for my writer's block, because that is the reason why there is literally one paragraph here.

**Gerard's POV**
This past night has had me really worried. One of Frank's seizures even lasted more than ten minutes. I'm just so glad that he's been okay after each one, but the longest he's gone so far without one is a half hour. I wonder if he'll even be able to get to sleep. I offered to take him down to my room to lay on my bed and cuddle so I wouldn't have to hold him and make sure he stayed on the couch every ten minutes, but he said that it was fine. I just played some Yiruma on the stereo for him in attempts to make him feel better.

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