Chapter 39 ~ I don't care if you're contagious

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**Frank's POV**
"We should go camping sometime," I spoke into the silence.

"Camping? Really?" Gerard replied in disbelief, his voice suggesting that his nose was still stuffy and it was unbelievably cute.

"Really. I think it would be fun," I answered, scooting closer to him on the couch, doing my best to share the small blanket. "Even just in the backyard. I realize you're sick, but if you have a tent somewhere we could do it tonight."

"I think we have one, but it's November, Frankie." He tucked his legs up in front of him, snuggling into my side. "It's cold outside."

"I know, sweetheart. But we could bring a lot of blankets and pillows, and I could keep you warm, too." I kissed his heated forehead and tapped his reddened nose.

"I really like the sound of that, but I have the flu. I don't think it would be very good for me to sleep outside, even if it is with a ton of pillows and blankets and my lovely heater of a boyfriend. Not to mention that you shouldn't even be in the same room as me, given your immune system," he continues to deny my offer to sleep outside.

"C'mon, Gee. Please? For me?"

"When I'm not sick, we can."

"Fine," I give in, laying my head back on the couch. But suddenly, I had an idea. "Wait, we could just bring a tent into your room and we could sleep in it tonight!" I exclaimed.

Gerard hesitated. "Are you sure there's enough room?"

"Well let's go get the tent and we'll see," I grinned, standing up and helping him after me.

I held his hand as he led me to the hall closet, opening the door with his free hand. He pointed to a large bag, saying, "That one," and signaling for me to pick it up for him.

I let go of his hand and swooped up the bag, hurrying to his bedroom. He followed slowly behind me, trudging down the stairs. I guess it got too much to handle or he was feeling faint, because when I checked on Gerard after dropping the bag on the bed, he was sitting down in the stairwell, the blanket we shared wrapped tightly around him.

As I got closer to him, I realized he was shivering. I got down on his level, an emense amount of empathy washed over me as I looked at his shaking form.

I tucked his hair behind his ear, looking into his eyes. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" I asked softly.

"Y-Yeah," he answered, teeth chattering. "Just a little cold." He attempted a reassuring smile, but didn't do so well. I stood up to think of a way to get him into bed.

"Can you stand up?"

He nodded hesitantly and slowly stood up on his trembling legs. I bent down a little so he could get on my back. "Get on," I said.

He climbed onto my back, still quivering. I made my way down the stairs and into his bedroom, gently leaning back so he could get on the bed.

"Do you want me to get a bowl for you in case you throw up?" I asked, bending down to kiss his forehead. I wouldn't be surprised if I got my lips burnt from kissing him, he was so warm.

He shook his head and winced. His head probably hurts. When you have the flu, your whole body is affected, so I wouldn't be surprised if he had a headache. "I don't think I'm gonna throw up," he told me. His voice rang out like an old, scratched vinyl record that got played one too many times.

"I'll get one for you just in case," I smiled before turninng around and making my way to the kitchen.

**Gerard's POV**
I really don't understand why he's so nice to me. Even if he is my boyfriend. He knows I wouldn't mind if he went home, but he seems to want to take care of me and he keeps asking me if I need anything and he'll get me things and make me things for no reason.

He came back within about twenty minutes with ome of those trays you use for breakfast in bed along with an empty bowl in his other hand. He kicked the door closed with his foot, setting the bowl on my nightstand and the tray on my dresser before walking over to me. "Stand up, baby," he directed. I slowly arose on my weakened legs and he pulled the covers on my bed back.

He kissed me gingerly, placing one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist, holding me close. He pulled away after a few seconds and smiled up at me sweetly. "I love you," he told me, enveloping me in a tight hug.

"I love you too, Frankie," I mumbled into his neck.

We stood there in serenity for what semt like eternity. But of course, eternity wasn't long enough for me and I wanted to stay there in his arms for at least one eternity longer.

"Get under the covers, sweetheart. I'll be right there," he sent me a subtle smile and turned to get the tray. I did as told and waited for him. As he came closer, I saw that the tray held a grilled cheese and a bowl of tomato soup. He sat down next to me carefully, doing his best not to spill anything.

I took the tray and set it over myself for him. "Thank you so much for everything that you're doing for me. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I am certainly happy that I did it." I grinned, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.


I did throw up a little after eating, but happily not all of it. Frank rubbed my back soothingly as I let it happen. I was shaky afterwards, but I was a little relieved.

He used a napkin to clean up my mouth. "Thank you," I spoke softly, leaning in to kiss him.

He interrupted me by pushing me back a little. I looked at him, confused. "You can't kiss me until you brush your teeth, Gee. That's nasty."

I laughed a little at his response and stood up slowly, making my way to the door to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and continued by making funny faces in the mirror, contorting and stretching my face into the most absurd expressions I could think of.

I heard Frank's voice from outside the bathroom door. "Geebear, what's taking so long?" he asked through the heavy door that we reattached. We got it from Home Depot and it can unlock from the outside. We even have a key for it in case something like the previous incident with Frank happened again it's the same lock as our front door so we won't loose the key.

"Nothing," I called out to him, using mouthwash before finishing up and opening the bathroom door to find him right behind it. "Can I kiss you now?" I asked innocently.

"I don't know. Let me smell your breath and if it's not disgusting, then yes, you can kiss me." He grinned up at me, getting up on his tippy-toes to be just barely on the same level as me.

I blew in his face and he told me that I had permission to kiss him again. I brought our lips together and he held me by my waist, my fingers having minds of their own and entangling themselves in his dark locks.

He pulled away, smiling at me joyfully. "You're gonna get me sick. I just know you are," he told me, shaking his head.

I shrugged, smiling back. "You're right, but at least it's for a good cause."

He sighed and pulled me back to my room, letting me get back in bed. He got in after me and pulled the covers over us before playing with my hair.

"Hey, Gee. If you don't want to do the tent thing tonight, then we don't have to. I think your bed is more comfortable anyway." He said, twisting the strands around his fingers.

"We could always put the tent on the bed," I suggested, leaning into his touch.

"That could work, too," he agreed before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

"I love you, Frankie," I said, looking into his beautiful honey-green eyes.

"I love you, too, Gee."

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