Chapter 43 ~ I never knew you had brain damage

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**Gerard's POV**
I was feeling better so I decided that I should try going to school, seeing as it's been about a week. I brought an extra scarf for Frank, but he refused to wear it.

It was a nice scarf; I don't know why he wouldn't want to wear it.

I just shrugged and wrapped it over the one I was already wearing. It was my favorite because it was black and had little skulls on the ends. I thought it made me look tough. But I guess scarves don't exactly make you look tough, now do they?

Snow began to fall so I stopped and pulled and unbrella out of my backpack. Needless to say, Frank seemed pretty disappointed in me.

"Do you always carry an umbrella in your backpack?" Frank questioned sarcastically.

"It's useful!" I retorted.

Frank just giggled and walked back to where I was on the sidewalk, kissing me on the cheek and taking me by the hand after I opened the umbrella and put it over us.

"I'm not criticizing," Frank attempted to defend himself, but didn't do a very good job in my opinion.

"Ah, but, as a good friend once told me, "criticism is good for the soul"," I smiled, looking at Frank from the corner of my eye.

"And who is this good friend?" he questioned, taking my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"River..." I paused, trying to remember the kid's last name. "Jor... Jordan? River Jordan? I think that was his name. We were in third grade together. He and his cousin were my only friends. We were, after all, the oddballs of the class. Same interests, too." I turned my head to look at Frank and saw that his eyes were closed. I watched as he took in a large breath of air and let it out slowly.

"Sweetheart..." he whispered to me quietly. "I thi- think I need to la- to lay do-" and then he fell. He fell onto the pavement and hit his head and I had no idea what to do. I pulled him over to the grass, and despite how much softer it was from the pavement, I didn't want him to hit his head again so I took the scarf that I had offered him earlier and put it under his head like a pillow.

His hands tensed and un-tensed and his left leg pulled back up to his chest quickly before going back down to where it originally was. My stomach dropped as I watched his eyes roll back and his chest rise from the ground slightly. His hand came up to his chest and he seemed to make a gripping motion. He began making heart-wrenching choking sounds that suggested he was struggling to breathe. His eyelids fluttered and his whole body was twitching and, if it were even possible, I became even more worried than I was before.

After a minute or so, it was finally over and I immediately picked him up into my arms, holding him there as though the world might steal him away from me. He drew in an enormous amount of air and put his hand up on my shoulder as I picked him up off the ground.

"Are you okay, baby?" I asked frantically, checking all over his body to make sure that he was alright.

Frank backed away from me slightly before answering angrily, "Gerard, it was just a seizure. I'm fine." He pulled his jacket closer into his body before stepping off.

I ran after him and put my hat on his head, along with my scarf around his neck, much to his disapproval. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him, before adding on a "We can go back to my house if you want. You can lay down in my bed and we can watch movies." I smiled down at him and attempted to hold his hand in mine but he pulled away.

"I just forgot to take my medicine. I'm fine," he told me, folding his arms.

"Medicine?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side curiously.

"I have epilepsy. I'm supposed to take special medicine so I don't have seizures all the time. I'm supposed to take it when I wake up, before dinner, and when I go to bed. Do you ever wonder why I always go to the bathroom before I go to sleep at your house? That's why. I do it because I have to take my medicine."

"Oh..." I thought for a moment. "Well do you ever take any to school with you?"

"No," he paused for a moment. "But really, Gerard. They're just seizures. It's not like I'm gonna die or anything."

"Are you absolutely sure?" I don't want to lose him. Frank it one of the best people I know, and I love him. My heart would be broken and I probably would be, too.

"I'm sure, Gerard. They've never gone over like six minutes. Besides, I know at least ten minutes in advance before I'm about to have one. And I'm pretty good at hiding them if you haven't noticed. I mean, you've never seen me have one before today, have you?" He did have a good point.

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah, but, uhh... Am I aloud to ask... Were you born with it... Or, like...?" I left my question unfinished, because he knew what I was going to say.

"No, Gerard. I was not born with it. I've lead a very charmed life and I've been hurt. Like a lot. But I've always turned out fine in the end. I always survived the damage. I just have little reminders every once in a while about those things that've happened, and that's okay. I'm okay." He wiped his eyes and sent me a small grin. And I smiled back, taking his hand in mine.

And we finished the walk to school.

AN: Not too bad. And actually on time. Nice.

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