Chapter 35 ~ Tell me, do you even care?

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AN: ((picture makes more sense when you get to the end of the chapter)) I think I'm going to keep the rest of this in past tense if that's alright with everyone. I just think it sounds better is all.

**Frank's POV**
It felt different going home with no one by my side.

The door was unlocked and there was no car in the driveway, probably the result of my careless, drunken mother. She most likely left to go have sex with some random person in our old neighborhood or something.

I made my way to my bedroom, plopping down face-first on my stomach. Did Gerard and I really love eachother or was it just teenage lust? It's only been a month and we've already seen eachother naked. It's so stupid to think about now because I know everything went too fast and there's no way to take it back if, in the future, we find that we don't like eachother anymore. I let out a heavy sigh, rolling onto my back.

I kicked my shoes off and let my arms branch out as though my hands were attempting to flee from my body, for I was too embarrassing to be attatched to. My mouth felt dry and my stomach felt weighed down, as though I knew, at least on a subconscious level, that I had done something wrong.

All I could think about was the very same person that I left not even twenty minutes ago. His shoulder-length, firetruck-red hair that makes my heart skip a beat whenever I see it, his perfect hazel-green eyes that shine like newly born stars in the nighttime sky, his beautifully defined artist hands and the way they run over my back and my face and through my hair when we hug and kiss eachother, his indescribable voice and the way he comforts me when I break down. Him. I couldn't stop thinking about him and all that he is and the way that he cares for me.

Maybe it wasn't him, but the attention he gave me. Maybe it was just his appearance. I'm only turning sixteen this month. I shouldn't be having strong feelings like this. It should just be a minor crush or like an 'oh, yeah, I'd have sex with you' kinda thing. I can't be in love, that's stupid.

I groaned, leaning up into a sitting position on my bed, dragging my ashamed hands up with me. I stuck my arms in the air and stretched, standing up and making my way into the kitchen from my room. Maybe I'm just confused due to being hungry.

In my house you have to go through the living room to get to the kitchen, and as I walked out, I saw my mom making out with some random guy on the couch. I flinched and shielded my eyes, "Mom! God, couldn't you do that in your own room!?" I yelled at the two, running into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Frankie! I didn't know you were home!" She shouted back at me once I left. I then heard a faint, "C'mon, John, let's go to my bedroom," and heard the stairs creek as they walked up to my mom's most likely sex-toy-filled bedroom.

I sighed and opened the fridge. What could I eat? Some leftover pasta? Yeah, that sounds alright.

I pulled the medium-sized container out of the fridge and lifted the lid slightly so it wouldn't explode in the microwave. I stuck it in for 45 seconds and got a fork, bringing the whole thing to my room.

I sat on my bed and took about three bites before I got tired of it. I set the container on my bedside table to become cold and forgotten for another day or two.

I started to hear faint moaning from my mom's room. I groaned and stood up from my bed, once again leaving my room and going downstairs. I grabbed a random jacket of mine from the closet and left, making my way to the cemetery that Gerard had brought me to.

I breathed in the cold air of early October, sticking my hands in my pockets and looking around at the trees and bushes and wilting flowers in peoples' front yards. Who would still try to keep their flowers alive in October, you ask? Appearantly houses number 316 and 325.

As I approached the gates of the cemetery, I saw the head of firetruck-red hair and the scrawny younger brother of it sitting on the steps of the mausoleum. Gerard had his head in his hands and Mikey was rubbing his back in a soothing manner. Was that me? Was it me who had caused this very moment?

**Gerard's POV**

"I don't understand, Mikey. He semt so happy. I thought we were both happy. I don't know what I did wrong," I spoke as the tears began to break free.

"Gee, you know it wasn't your fault. I see how Frank's eyes light up when he sees you and how much he loves to be with you. He always looks so relaxed when you're together. I think he was just concerned that you both had started out too quickly. You said that he asked you if you thought that you were moving too fast," my brother replied, trying to help me feel better.

"You're lying. I know you are. I bet he never even loved me. I know it was my fault. I made the first move, I was the one who said I lo- I loved him first. I bet he just didn't know what to do so that's why he agreed and said it back. Besides, it's stupid. I'm seventeen and he's turning sixteen by the end of this month. We don't know what love is. I've never experienced romantic love before and I don't know what I'm feeling." I ranted on and on before he cut me off.

"Gerard. You and Frank seem more in love than even mom and dad some days. I'm sure it's fine. He was probably over thinking and now you're over thinking, too. Just give him some time and I'm sure you'll find that his decision will be to stay with you."

I just let out a shaky sigh and ran a hand through my already disheveled hair. "I guess you could be right. Thanks, Mikes." I leaned my head onto his shoulder and he let his head fall onto mine.

"I love you, big bro."

"I love you, too, Mikey."

AN: I may or may not have forgotten what hair color I gave Gerard, but if I did the wrong one, let's just say he changed it again. Danger Days Gee ftw. Anyway, I'll see all of you in the nest update.

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