Chapter 14 ~ Maybe I do...

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**Mikey's POV**

Okay, I admit it. Ray is a little cute... But that doesn't mean we're going anywhere! I mean, for all I know, he's straight. He said that this girl, Christa, was attractive.

**Ray's POV**

Yes, I said that Christa was cute. It was a cover-up, okay? What Mikey doesn't know won't hurt him, and, as long as I don't tell him the truth, it won't hurt me either.

We were walking in the halls and Mikey all of a sudden stops in his tracks.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"We should start a band." He says, mischievously.

"What are you on about?" I question him.

"I don't know. I just think it would be fun to start a band. I know how to play bass guitar. Can you play an instrument?"

"I play guitar." I answer. "But we're only in highschool. It would never work." I begin to protest.

"Come on, Ray! There are plenty of bands that were started in highschool! Plus, it'd be fun!" Mikey argues.

"I don't know, Mikes..." I reply.

"Gerard could even be the singer! I also a know a guy who could be on drums!"

"Mikey, I'm sorry, but I think we should wait a bit longer before we start a band. We don't even know how long we'll be able to stand eachother."

Mikey sighs in return. "Fine." He says, sounding sad.

"Hey, if we're still friends in a year, we'll do it." I say, putting a hand on his back.

"Okay." Mikey agrees.

'Aww. He looks so cute when he's pouty...' I think to myself.

"We should go to Starbucks or something." I suggest.

"Totally!" He shouts, jumping up and down and clapping his hands together.

We walk to the shop together and walk up to the counter, somehow managing to start holding hands along the walk. Don't ask. I don't even know.

We order our things and sit down at a booth together. Mikey starts drinking his coffee right away, not even waiting for it to cool down. I'm sure he burnt his tongue. He clearly doesn't care, though.

Mikey downs the whole drink in about thirty seconds. I bet you a hundred bucks he's addicted to coffee. "Enjoy?" I ask, followed by a small chuckle.

"You betcha." Mikey replies, laughing with me.

AN: Hey, I realize it's insanely short, but if I were you, I'd demand an update. So here it is. See ya later, Night Walkers.

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