Chapter 9 ~ Advances.

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**Gerard's POV**

Frank leads me through his house and up to his room.


Once I was done fitting through the small window, Frank looked over at me. "You okay?" He asks.

"I just climbed up a tree and barely made it through the window! No, I'm not o-fucking-kay!" I answer, sassily.

"Well, sorry, but you agreed to coming over and I don't have a key." Frank replies.

"Well, you could've said that first!"

"Calm down, Gee. At least I didn't reject you because you're gay."

"Well... That is true. And at least you invited me over in the first place."

"That's right." He says and sits down on his small, broken-looking bed. I sit down next to him.

"So, what grade are you in, Frank?" I ask, curiously.

"10th." He replies, casually. He looks down at his nails, chipping at the black paint, slowly.

"Cool. I am too." I say.

"Hey, umm... Can I try something?" Frank asks, shyly.

"Sure, what is it?" I ask.

Frank inches closer to me. "Lay down." He whispers in my ear. I obey. He slowly climbs on top of me and leans down, his face mere centimeters from mine.

I look up into his beautiful greenish-hazel eyes. He licks his lips and hesitates for a moment. He closes his eyes and finally presses his soft lips to mine.

I close my eyes too and kiss back, bringing my hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. I flip us around so I'm on top.

Frank giggles into the kiss and pulls away. "Someone's enjoying this." He says with a smile. He flips us back around so he's on top again. "But don't think that changes anything. I wanna be dominant right now." He growls into my ear.

"Think what you want, shorty." I reply, continuing to flip us over once more. I place a wet kiss to his neck. "But I'm the alpha." I state.

"Oh, yeah? Well, we'll see about that." Frank answers, flipping us around for the fifth time now. He presses his lips to mine as I lay there under him. He grabs a hold on my wrists, pushing me further into the mattress.

I kiss him back and he licks my bottom lip, asking for my permission. I grant him access and his tongue begins exploring my mouth. I press my tongue against his, softly.

Frank pulls away, moving to my neck. "I wanna hear you say my name, Geebear." He says as kindly as possible and continues by licking and sucking on my neck. He somehow gets to my sweet spots most of the time.

I bend my neck as to give him better access. I whimper lightly. "Oh, Frankie." I breathe heavily. But then he stops and clambers off.

"Haha, that was great, Gee. But I wouldn't really want to go all the way with someone I've only known for three hours. Even if they do seem amazing in every sense of the word." Frank says, sweetly and brings his arms around to hug me.

We spent the rest of the time at his house watching movies and cuddling. We didn't get too intimate at all after what happened before. But it was fun just being there with him. I love his company.

AN: I know it's short and I know it's bad, but here you go, Night Walkers. See ya next time. Byeeeee

My One And Only ~FRERARD~ (boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora