Chapter 30 ~ Taking a break and catching two lovebirds

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**Gerard's POV**
Frank and I held eachother's hands on the way there, asking random questions about reality and coming up with our own answers. After about fourty-five minutes, we arrived outside my old house, just as I promised I would show him.

It was just a one story house with a basement. It was one of those condos where the floor at ground level was one person's house, and then another person's house in the basement. At that time, I shared a room with Mikey at the end of the hall and our parents' room was right next to ours. Across the hall from that was just a guest room and a bathroom.

"So this is my old house." I say, putting my arm around Frank's shoulder.

"Hm. It looks nice. How far is the field form here?" He asks, turning his head to look at me.

"About another fifteen or twenty minutes. We could stop by the cemetery and take a break there, if you want?" I suggest.

"Sure. That sounds good." He answers, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Okay. Lets go then." I say, removing my arm and sticking my hand out for him to hold. He takes it, gladly smiling up at me.

I lead him to the cemetery, opening the large gate for him. As I pushed the tall, rusty gate open, it made an eerie creaking noise.

**Mikey's POV**
I had made Ray come with me to the graveyard for some alone time.

About three weeks ago, Ray asked me to be his boyfriend. How could I have said no? Just as Gerard had suspected, I liked him.

A lot.

We were sitting under a tall cork tree, me sitting on Ray's lap and heard a loud screeching noise that resembled how the rusty cemetery gate sounds when you try to open it.

I look around, removing Ray's seatbelt-like grip on me. "What's wrong, Mikes?" He asks as I stand up.

"Someone's here..." I answer as I look over the field of headstones. I see two boys holding hands, one shorter and one that seemed to be about average height.

And then I realised who those boys were.

It was Frank and Gerard.

I crouched down next to Ray. "My brother and his boyfriend are here. We have to go!" I whisper scream to him.

"You haven't told them yet?" He whispers back.

"No! I want to keep this relationship a secret for a while so Gerard doesn't ask or invade my privacy." I inform him. "Just get up and we'll g-"

I was cut off by a hand resting on my shoulder and I feel my eyes grow wide. "So, what do we have here? Were we right all along about you two lovebirds?" I hear Gerard's voice, sickeningly sweet with a venomous touch. I stutter nonstop to try and come up with an explanation while he just laughs. "Don't worry, Mikey. If you want this to remain a secret, I don't have to tell Mom."

"D- Do you promise you won't tell?" I swear, we sounded like little kids.

Gerard groans, shifting his weight onto his other leg. "Promise." He answers.

I feel my breathing rate return to normal and I sigh. "Good." I say.

"Yeah. So, do you want us to go to the other side of the cemetery?" He asks me, gesturing behind himself.

"Umm... Sure." I answer. Gerard pats me on the head and I watch as they walk off.

I turn back to Ray and sit down next to him. "Sorry about that." I tell him.

"No problem, Mikes." He replies, smiling. "I don't really mind." He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer, kissing me on the cheek.

**Frank's POV**
Gerard and I get to the other side of the large field and he leads me behind the mausoleum. "I love you, Frankie." He says, moving his arm around my waist to pull me into him.

I giggle. "I love you, too, Gee." I reply, lacing my arms around his neck and getting on my tippy-toes to kiss him.

"Ray and Mikey make a cute couple, don't you think?" He asks suddenly.

"Yeah, I guess so." I smile back up at him. He plants a small kiss onto my lips and we just sat there, looking into eachother's eyes and swaying slightly.

AN: Well we got a little more Rikey in. Vote and comment if you enjoyed and I'll see you next time.

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