Chapter 11 ~ Uh-Oh...

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AN: There's been a change of plans and I'm allowed to read and write on Wattpad!!! Hooray! *claps*

**Gerard's POV**

"Gerard, are you awake?" Frank whispers to me.

"No." I whisper back.

"Gee, it's like, 4:00AM and you're still at my house. I think you should go home. I don't want you to get in trouble." He says, kindly.

I sigh in return. "Alright." I reply and sit up, placing my feet on the floor quietly, as not to wake anyone who might be sleeping. I walk the small space between Frank's bed and the door, slowly reaching for the handle. Frank bolts up to grab my hand, keeping me from from turning the knob.

"I know you don't want to, but you need to go through the window. If you want, I can help you down and walk you home?" Frank whispers.

"I- I... Well, I only live across the street, so you know you really don't need to walk me." I answer

"Come on, I really want to. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you'd like to, as well." Frank insists.

"O-okay." I give in.

"Alright." He says and walks back to the window we came in through when I first came over. He turns to me. "Do you wanna go first, or should I?" He asks.

"Uh... I- I think I'll go first." I say.

Frank moves out of the way so I can go. "Okay, Geebear." He smiles. I blush at the nickname.

I walk up to the window and try to put my leg through. With difficulty, I get my whole body through the window, so now I'm just sitting on the window ledge. I reach for the tree branch, getting closer to the edge of the space I was sitting on.

"Don't worry, Gee. You can do it." Frank whispers, encouragingly.

I reach further for the branch and propel myself forward, jumping off of the window ledge. With a huge adrenaline rush and a small yelp, I am able to grab the branch and pull myself up. I sit up on the branch and look back at Frank, kind of hyperventilating.

He climbs through the window, swiftly. Once he's in the tree, he cups my face in his hands, gingerly. "Are you alright?" He asks, worriedly.

"Y- yeah, I'm fine." I answer, still breathing heavily.

Frank keeps his gaze locked in mine and his hand still on my cheek, leaning in a little closer. He looks down to my lips, and back to my eyes, then to my lips again. Why won't he just kiss me already!?

His lips brush lightly over mine as he forms the words, "You know, you look absolutely beautiful in the moonlight." He slowly presses his lips to mine. I return the gesture, bringing both my hands to his cheeks. He pulls away too soon, but then goes in for another short-lived kiss. "We'll save this for another time." He whispers, looking into my eyes and smiling, lovingly.

"Come on, let's get you home." Frank says before wrapping me up in a quick hug. He climbs down without trouble. I'm beginning to think he sneaks out through his bedroom window a lot.

I climb down after him. Once I reach the bottom with him, he puts his hand out for me to hold. I take it in mine without hesitation.

We walk down the pavement and cross the street holding hands. Frank takes me up the walkway to my house and turns to face me. He takes my other hand in his and looks me in the eyes, lovingly. "If anyone catches you and asks you why you got home at 4:00AM, try to come up with a believable lie, okay?" He tells me.

I giggle lightly. "Alright." I answer and go in for the goodbye kiss. To my surprise, he leans in too.

Frank breaks away to look at me. "Good luck, beautiful. Hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow." He says and walks away, waving and sending me a blow kiss.

I turn and open the door to my house to see my mom and Mikey sitting on the couch, worry stricken.

My One And Only ~FRERARD~ (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now