Jhacari: What Were You Thinking, Jhacari?

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I am Jhacari," he had told her through gritted teeth.

He had then checked the corner to see if they were there or not and they were.

He had then turned to face her again, before pretty much telling her that now wasn't the time for all of this and that she should have gone away, but not in a rude way of course.

Jhacari wasn't like that.

Unfortunately though, as she was 7, she didn't really understand anything that Jhacari was saying to her right now, before then pretty much asking him for his autograph in some blue and spiral notebook...

With Jhacari just kind of face palming himself in the process.

"No, no autograph."


"But I'm in a life or death situation."

Did you really think she understood what that meant, Jhacari?

Because no.

She inevitably didn't.

She had asked her parents if she could have talked to Jhacari as they were walking on the pavement, as she had seen Jhacari hiding away from people but she didn't know why.

Unfortunately, and much to Jhacari's irritation to be honest, the 7 year old girl had kept pleading him for his autograph, but Jhacari had just said no each time.

"Sapphira!" Her mother had called from the pavement. She was holding a silver and pink buggy with her husband by her side but she had looked really mad over something. 

"Don't bother a celebrity! You know what they're like."

"I just wanted his autograph, mum!" Sapphira had argued. "Is that too much too ask?"

Jhacari had actually felt really guilty when he had heard that, before thinking something to himself.

Give her your autograph, then.

Just do it.

Be the bigger person.

Why you so scared?

She's seven, man.

And you never know, you could make her day.

"Fine," Jhacari had deadpanned, before pretty much  asking Sapphira where her notebook was so that he could have signed it and all that. "I'll sign it."

He had then stuck to what he had said, signing his autograph on one page her notebook, with Sapphira pretty much hugging him, whilst Jhacari had done the same thing back.

No, Sapphira didn't have social media— of course she didn't, why would she? She was way too young for that, plus...

She wasn't even double digits yet.

But she had an older sister by approximately eight years, who was kind of obsessed with Jhacari, therefore unconsciously leading her to like Jhacari too, without really knowing the guy that much.

But knowing what the guy had looked like due to his Instagram and all that.

Unfortunately for him though, Rastashiel, Tremaine and Alastair had gotten crazy suspicious, and they had pretty much watched everything that had just happened between them.

So when Sapphira and her family had left the pavement to continue their walk, the three of them had come up to Jhacari when he wasn't paying attention, before coming face to face with him.

"So you were hiding in here the whole time, huh?" Rastashiel had said to him, with Jhacari kind of screaming for help. "We should have known."

They had actually looked like they were about to kill the guy but they didn't, with Jhacari just asking them what they wanted.

As well as why they had hated him so much.

A shoutout?

A follow?


Jhacari was running out of options here, but apparently none of them had wanted that— they wanted to know Jhacari's secret on why he was so popular on Instagram.

To be honest, Jhacari didn't even know the answer to that.

He wasn't even trying to become famous to begin with, which was the most ironic thing out of everything.

People had just started following him for no reason actually, and he didn't even know why.

He was grateful for all of his followers though, whether he had known them in real life or not: his one million plus followers on Instagram had kind of made him who he was, so without them?

Jhacari was practically nothing.

And literally too.

He wouldn't have had this many followers.

"Uhm... just post things that people can relate to, I guess. It's really not that hard. But if you want the honest truth, I honestly don't know how I got this famous."

Sadly for him, Tremaine had candidly thought that the kid was lying, even though he wasn't.

So therefore, they had threatened to hurt him again, but little did they know that Jhacari was secretly texting his mum Kuristarez secretly in his pocket, and soon after...

She had told all of them to leave him alone.

They had all ran away after that, with Kuristarez asking Jhacari if he was OK and all that, and he had lied and said yes.

But apparently?

Unbeknownst to Jhacari?

The kid was in huge trouble when he had gotten home.

And he was going to get grounded.

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