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The sounds of the birds chirping came in through the opened windows. the sunlight hitting the brunettes pale skin, making him warm. he curled up next to the warm body next to him, who's arm was wrapped around his waist. The blonde was already up, taking in the moment before he had to go back home. it was only for a week but it was still long for him.

The brunettes eyes fluttered open and he took in a heavy sigh, making eye contact with the other, a smile crept up on his lips, "Goodmorning," he yawned, resting his head against his chest, hearing the soft sound of Jooheons heart beating. "I could get used to waking up next to you, actually." he whispered under his breath.

The blonde ran his fingers through the males hair, playing with it and trying to braid his hair. "What is Jaime to you?" he spoke, concentrating on his hair, he sat up a little and pulled his hand away from his hair. he moved the pillows away and sat them against the head board.

Changkyun just shrugged, reaching over for his phone, which he didn't have. "She's just a friend." he mumbled, turning over to grab Jooheons phone, seeing what the time was. "Do you want anything to eat before you go?" he cupped Jooheons cheeks, caressing it before he sat up with a stretch. "I'm also going to Minhyuks parents for the week, since I didn't have anywhere to go." he got off the bed and walked to the living room.

Jooheon nodded and pushed the white sheets over to the side, slinging his legs over the bed. he followed the other into the room and leaned against the door way, "You can stay at my place," he offered, his arms crossed over his chest. he knew his parents wouldn't care, they would be thrilled actually.

Changkyun turned his head to look at him, grabbing bread and butter, putting the bread in the toaster. "What?" he laughed, acting like he didn't hear it. he grabbed the slices of bread that popped out and felt a presence behind him.

"Would you like me to whisper it in your ear?" he had a firm grip on his hips, leaning close to his ear, the brunette could feel his hot breath against his skin, "Come with me," he smiled gently, running his finger tips against his stomach from underneath his shirt. "you're so much fun to touch," the chuckle came from Jooheons lips.

The youngers face flushed and he pushed him away, putting the toast on two different plates, "I burnt the stupid toast." he put butter on both and got up onto the counter, eating the burnt toast with a pink expression. he was then picked up and thrown over Jooheons shoulder. "Put me down!" he yelled, kicking his legs while the toast fell onto the floor. "My toast!" he leaned forward, trying to grab it but he came in contact with the others ass, covering his eyes. "Jooheon I swear if you don't put me down right this second I won't come with you." he was sat down on the bed with his hands covering his eyes.

Jooheon's chuckle was heard and he bent forward, his head in front of Changkyuns face, waiting for him to uncover his eyes. when he did, he smiled, then a punch was landed on his shoulder.

"You're such an ass," he grabbed his bag and started to pack for a week long of clothes and his notebook and wallet. he zipped up the bag and sat it on the bed, turning to the boy who was smiling like an idiot.

The blonde leaned against the wall and tapped his chin, "I can't help it, you're fun to mess with." he teased, grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. he looked at the boy and took his hand, intertwining their fingers.

The brunette frowned, closing the dorm door and locking it up, "I am not," he shook his head and went to his car, sitting in the passengers seat while Jooheon put the bags in the car. when he got in, he started the car up and the brunette smiled lightly, looking out the window.

"Oh wow, what did I do to deserve a beautiful smile." the blonde spoke, looking at the youngers smile that had quickly faded, "you are breathtaking," he started up the car and started to drive back home.

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