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Don't Feel.

Changkyun nodded and looked back at his work as their conversation continued. he thought about the others voice, biting down on his lip.

Don't Smile.

A new promise was made, and he hated the one his mind gave him. it was like his mind was a different person and no one else could tell it to think or do differently, and they were all so random. don't smile? how could he not smile. He wanted to smile. he couldn't not smile, he never smiled before but when the blonde male stepped into his life he couldn't stop smiling from just thinking about him.

Don't Feel.

"Changkyun!" Minhyuk finally yelled. apparently they were yelling his name for the past five minutes, he didnt notice since he spaced out, trying to pick a fight with his brain.

"Hm?" Changkyun hummed, turning to look at the boys in front of him, he noticed no one else was in the class room besides the seven of them.

Minhyuk sighed, "the class ended a couple minutes ago," he flicked Changkyuns head before he got up. "Come on, we are going to do karaoke tonight." Minhyuk stated, pulling the boy up and making him stand.

Changkyun stared at him, "I don't want to sing in front of them." he mumbled under his breath, his eyes trailing Jooheon's dark brown ones. biting down on his lip.

Don't Smile.

Changkyun nodded. "ill go," he spoke with an uneasy tone, standing behind minhyuk while he happily lead the way.

The boys walked out off campus and to their cars, they decided to take two cars, Hyunwoo's car and Minhyuks car. Obviously Changkyun went with Minhyuk, along with Jooheon.

The only thing Changkyun did when he found out Jooheon was in the same car, he sighed, but didn't show emotion.

Don't Look.

Don't look?

what the fuck was that for. how could he not look.. what did it want from him.

Changkyun sat in the back while he thought about what it meant. until he found out why, which he still didnt know why.

The car rumbled to life and Changkyun watched the trees go by, making him quietly sigh, his thoughts wondering back to his thought before about how the trees trusted the wind.

Sometimes he wished he was the tree and had someone like the wind by his side, well. he had Minhyuk. He knew he had Minhyuk but it didn't feel right.


Hours later into their karaoke, it was finally Changkyuns turn. everyone was cheering him on.

"Come on!" Hyungwon spoke, a fist in the air. it made Changkyun feel embarrassed. since he didn't like being with the other boys.

But he went up anyways.

Changkyun stood up on the small platform and held the Mic to his lips, staring down at his feet, he didn't say any introduction or anything, he listened to the song that was playing wnd recognized it, singing along.

The mix of rap and vocals were melted together easily. in the middle he accidently smiled, but he mentally noted to slap himself after.

When he finished his song, his eyes opened and they trailed to Jooheon, it made his breath get caught in his throat, like he couldn't breathe for a while.

Jooheon gave him a thumbs up and a smile, his dimples and his eyes turning into crescent moons.

Changkyun cleared his throat, breathing once again. he got off of the small stage while everyone clapped. he bowed before he sat down, sitting next to Minhyuk.

His phone buzzed.

Blonde: you did great.

The text was only a compliment, and he didn't know why he had a feeling in his stomach, like it was churning butter.

Changkyun turned to Jooheon and nodded, setting his hands in his lap.

Minhyuk went up to the stage, obviously drunk. he sung the song he heard on the thing while stumbling around.

"Aye Aye Aye~~~" he slurred on his words, making everyone laugh, including Changkyun.

He finally felt something after a long time, and he loved that feeling, and hoped he was going to feel that for more days to come from it.

The male was pulled from his thoughts when the hamster looking male stood up abruptly.

"We should have a sleepover. like we did in high school. I call my dorm." he said proudly.

Everyone cheered besides the male with his clouded thoughts. he never went anywhere else but his own dorm, and he never sleeps alone. he has to sleep with a blanket in his arms or a pillow.

Changkyun shook his head and stood up,
"I have to stay at my dorm." he spoke while everyone's attention was on him.

"Why? you never come out of your dormmmm pleaseeee?" Minhyuk asked and tugged on his sleeve, the small begging had him on a tough choice.

Changkyun only nodded, holding onto his own shirt. he watched as everyone cheered, watching them walk out.

He felt a presence up behind him, "You didn't have to go, you seem uncomfortable." A tall male had a hand on his shoulder.

It was Jooheon.

The shorter of the two only nodded, not really caring about what he had to say, or at least showing it off that way.

Their names were heard and they both quickly walked to the car, Jooheon had to drive since Minhyuk was drunk.

This time, Changkyun sat in the front with Jooheon, he liked the front seat better than the back.

He was glad that he didn't have anyone talk to him, the car ride was silent.

You could tell by the people in front of them, which were the rest of their group, were having fun by jamming out to their music.

Changkyun smiled just a bit, tapping his fingers against the side of the chair. he had glanced to look at Jooheon.

But he didn't say anything.

And it stayed that way until the went to the hamsters apartment

Once all the boys hurried into the boys apartment, they started to call where they would sleep. Kihyun had two bedrooms, and Kihyun was with Hyunwoo in the bedroom. but the spare one was for two others, which Minhyuk called it with Changkyun.

Hyungwon and Wonho got the two couches and Jooheon got the big bean bag.

But what Changkyun didn't know was that Jooheon switched with Minhyuk, since Minhyuk wanted the bean bag chair.

After the whole fighting and calling for things, they were gathered in the living room, sitting in a circle.

"Lets play would you rather," Hyungwon spoke with clapping.

"No, two truths and a lie." one of them argued.

"Truth or dare is the original one, lets play that." Minhyuk smiled, while they all agreed.

"Minhyuk goes first, since he came up with it." Wonho spoke, leaning into the couch.

Minhyuk looked at Changkyun and then at Jooheon.

"Hmm, truth or dare Jooheon?" Minhyuk asked.

"Dare, duh."

Minhyuk laughed in a evil tone.

"I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Changkyun."


edited 12/12/2020

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