137 10 4

Honey: You'd be a good housewife ;)

imnameim: ill never be one.

Honey: awh come on, be mine
read 1:32 pm

Changkyun finished up his lyrics and grabbed his notebook, tapping his pen against the page.

November 3rd
This? probably the stupidiest thing ive ever done, writing you this without actually sending it to you. but last night was fun, thank you for taking my mind off of things, I probably haven't had that much fun in a long time. but thank you, really.

The brunette closed the book and heard a knock on the door, he rolled his eyes and walked towards the door, opening it up.

"Kyun!" Minhyuk came through the door and hugged Changkyun, looking up at him. "We haven't had much time together and I missed youuu" he smiled.

Changkyun looked at the boy and embraced the hug, "Well yeah, you're pretty much leeching off of wonho so I guess we don't hang much." he walked towards the kitchen to grab ice cream.

"Hey, I'm not the only one, you're the one who keeps hanging off of Jooheon," he teased, poking his arm. "Whats with you two anyways," he took the ice cream from him.

"There's nothing going on between us. we are just like how you and I were when we started out," he shrugged, giving Minhyuk a spoon. he then quickly went into the bedroom, grabbing his notebook and putting it in the drawer in case Minhyuk would be looking around.

"Who goes to a love hotel when you're just friends?" he asked, eating the ice cream from the container.

"Minhyuk, what the fuck is a love hotel." he looked at him when he came out of the bedroom, sitting on the couch.

"Oh you know, where a couple goes and have sex and other kinky stuff," he sat next to him and turned the tv on.

"Ew Minhyuk, we arent dating, shut up or I will kick you out," He leaned his head back into the couch, feeling his phone vibrate next to him.

Honey: 1 attachment

you should come to the library, no one is here.

Minhyuk noticed Changkyun wasn't paying attention. he grabbed his phone and looked at the message with a smile.

"What is he planning on doing Changkyunnn?" he teased, which Changkyun ripped the phone out of his hand, responding to the text.

imnameim: can't. minhyuk is here.

"Awh come on, ill leave you two be," he got up and put the ice cream in the freezer. he then made his way out.

Once Minhyuk was out, Changkyun hurried to get ready, putting on jeans and a turtle neck, walking out to the library.

He walked into the dark library, looking around for the light switch.

"Jooheon?" he whispered, seeing nothing but dark besides the small light coming in from the windows.

He was then pushed up against the wall, his eyes wide from the action.

"Jooheon what the actual fuck." he tried to make out the face but he couldn't, pushing his hand away. "you almost gave me a heart attack." he teased, looking up at the male.

"But I didn't," the honey like voice was heard, and then a set of hands were placed on the brunettes waist.

Changkyun froze. literally. his heart skipped a beat. he looked up at Jooheon who was inches away from his face. the boys hands were placed on his chest, feeling the satin button up he wore. the room was silent, he saw the boy move in close.


Changkyun took a breath of relief in, pushing him away and taking his phone out from his pocket.

don't smoke

  1 attachment (A/N its jooheon and Changkyun)


Daddywoo: it was kinda obvious

Hyungwon: the library..really.

Changkyun looked around the library, not seeing Minhyuk anywhere.

The blonde was reading over the texts. so he took the phone from him and looked at Changkyun when his attention was back on him.

He was about to speak but the lights flickered on, so instead he grabbed Changkyuns wrist and pulled him out of the library.

"Jooheon that hurts, stop touching my wrist." he pulled his arm away and followed him into his dorm.

Jooheon closed the door and sat down on the chair. "Did Minhyuk come over?" he asked, looking at Changkyun with a light smile.

The brunette nodded, "yeah, why?" he sat down on his lap, scrolling through his instagram while they talked.

"He came over before and asked what I did to you last night," he shrugged, resting his head on his shoulder, looking at the boys pale skin.

"And you said?" Changkyun spoke quietly, looking at a post that he had posted.

"I said I fucked you," he smiled, waiting so see the others reaction. Which was worth the slap.

Changkyun got up and shoved his phone in his pocket, his face flushed from the comment. "You didn't, I know you wouldn't do that." he covered his face, walking into the bathroom and washing his face with cold water.

"I was just kidding, obviously I told the truth, plus I wouldn't use the word fuck, since you're vanilla." he leaned against the door, his hands shoved in his pockets.

Changkyuns face only got brighter, "Ill play cod for you to keep your mouth shut." he walked out of the bathroom, bumping shoulders with him.


"Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK." Changkyun yelled when he died, laying back into the bed. he covered his face and turned to look at the time. "we have been playing for five hours Jooheon, lets make dinner," he whined, holding onto his stomach.

Jooheon laid down next to him, laying on his side with his head propped up.  he smiled and pulled Changkyun into his arms. "Sure, but let me hold you for a while." he held onto the the back of his head.

He pushed Jooheon away and got up, stretching, "okay now lets go into the kitchen and make food." he flicked his forehead and put the stove on.

Changkyun made some rice and kimchi. when he finished, he set the plates out on the table and sat down, waiting for the boy to sit.

"Yeah, a housewife."

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