Chapter 33. Weird Feeling

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"Hello, Krystal." that voice I know that voice. That deep cool charming voice. Its him, he's here, standing behind me. Its--


"Missed me." he said with a smirk plastered on his big stupid face.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to sound normal. But like it or not he knows me to well.

"Cause I missed you." he sincerely said. He sounds for real.

"Fuck off, Andy." I scoffed. Oh, no the emotions are coming. Better walk away before something bad happens.

"Wait! no I'm sincere." he tried saying, grabbing my wrists. No! Andy why?!?

"No! stop Andy I don't love you no more. I moved on and by those pictures everybody sent me I can tell so did you." I shouted, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"No! Krystal I still love you. everything I did was because I was mad that you wanted to stay here instead coming back to me."

"Your so selfish you didn't think of me while you banged my best friend it was also hard for me to stay here but I had to for my mom and her happiness." I shouted.

"Oh, now you care about your mom's happiness what happened to the times when we were drunk and fucking hard in your couch while you yelled fuck you mom I fucking hate you worthless piece of shi--"


"The past is the past I regret everything I did okay." I said then walked away. But yet again he grabbed my arm.

"Don't just walk from me like that you little shit." he said, with full venom in his voice.

"Why can't you just accept the fact that I love someone else." I said right to his face.

"Because your mine!" he said looking straight into my face.

"No I'm not, now let me go." I said trying to break free.

"Say you love me!"

"Andy let me go, your hurting me." I tried releasing my wrist from his grip but he was to strong.

"Say it!" he yelled.

"FUCK.YOU.ANDY.I.HATE.YOU.I.LOVE.SOMEONE.ELSE.WHY.CANT.YOU.UNDERSTAND.THAT!!!" I screamed then spit in his face. He let go and wiped his face.

"AND.WHY.CANT.YOU.UNDERSTAND.YOU.BELONG.TO.ME.AND.NO.ONE.ELSE!!!" he screamed back yanking me by my hair and dragging me somewhere.




"You leave me no choice." he said as he pushed me downed. To a room. But as I look up it isn't a room its the church. Oh, no what is he going to do.

"Andy what are you--"

"Say you love me." he insisted while he dragged me to the front.

"Why are you so persistent please just stop." I whispered.

"Those words aren't gonna get you know where. now SAY IT!!!"


Through my 'speech' a felt his hand go across my face. Then I feel him kick me so hard that I feel to the ground.

"So your happy, huh." he whispered, bending to my level, in my ear. while he yanked my hair back.

"More than I was with you." I spit in his face again for what he did.

"Krystal, I love you. I never stopped and I always will and I will never bare to see you happy with another man so they only way we can be together forever is by-"

"Killing, both of us." he said taking out a gun.

Wait what?!? Is he crazy.

"Andy, calm down give me the gu-"

"NO.LIKE.I.SAID.YOUR.WORDS.ARENT.GONNA.GET.YOU.NO.WHERE." he yelled pointing the gun at me.

"Please, Andy you don't know what your doing." I said slowly walking to him.

"I love you, Krystal please... just say it back." he whispered with tears falling from his eyes.

"Its okay, Andy just give me the gun." I said still slowly walking to him. He then fell to his knees.

"What am I doing?" he yelled crying to his hands.

"Its okay. Andy I forgive you." said as I hugged him in comfort.

And silence. Thank god.


"I knew that would work." he said, wiping his 'tears'.

"What do you--"

"See you in hell."

Bang, bang, bang.

Kris's P.O.V

"Where is she?" Amy desperately asked. Krystal had walked out after Amy told her Andy was here. I knew she would react that way. Man I should of been there with her. Now shes gone and we don't know where she is. The ceremony is about to start. And were all desperate where could she have gone. I never really thought this would of affected her this bad.

"Kris, the pastor is almost here what are we gonna do." my dad whispered yelled to my ear so our guest won't hear.

"The guys are looking for her." I whispered back, in assurance.

"Where is this girl?!?" he worriedly whispered, to himself.

"I don't know why but I feel like something bad is happening?" I thought.

"Why do you say that?" oh, I guess I said it out loud.

"I don't why, I just feel scared for some reason." I explained.

"Me too." he said pacing back and forward.

We then get interrupted with two car beeps and the guest clapping.

"Oh, no! the paster's here!"


"What! did you find her?" I asked all the guys who came back. They looked tired and all sweaty.

"No! we looked everywhere shes nowhere." Chanyeol spoke trying to catch his breath.

then out of nowhere the pastor stands next to us. "Is everything alright."

"No! let the ceremony begin." dad answered and all bowed along with him.

"Oh, look here comes the bride." someone yelled. I walked to Amy.

"Did you find her?" she whispered smiling to everyone. I shook my head side ways. She looked worried.

"Where is she--"

Bang, bang, bang.

"What was that?!?" everybody started asking. Everyone panicked and so did we. WHERE ARE YOU KRYSTAL!!!

"What was tha--"


There it is again where is it coming from.

"It came from inside!" Sehun yelled.

"Inside the church?" everyone talked.

"Inside?" the pastor confused said then walked to the doors.

He opens the doors and we all walk in.


(Completed) My Stepbrother Kris From EXO -sort of edited-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora