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October 23, 2018
2:30 PM

"And Scene...That's a wrap everyone!" All cast Members applauded themselves and gave hugs because of how excited they were about going home to families.

"Wow...it took a lot but it's finally over with..." Seb says as he looks over at Anthony.

"Now you get to go home and get it from your lady." Anthony teases winking at the man.

"Okay first of all...Dude Ew...and second of all I'm still single..." he says with a smug grin on his face.

"What? You and Nia aren't talking anymore?"

"I haven't talked to her since that crazy asshole was still living in her apartment." He says.

"Oh wow, did she cut you off?"

"Not Really...we both kind of fell off from each other..."

"Do you miss her?"

"Kind of...I want to talk to her about things and you know, see where her mind is at. Between her hip being out for so long and reliving the same shit she had with her ex-husband I worry about her..."

"Maybe you should reach out to her, I'm sure she misses you too..."

"Now that we're officially done on set I'll be flying back to New York on Thursday night...so I don't know, maybe I'll try to surprise her with breakfast or something."

"She'll like that, bring on that sexy Seabass Charm."

"Man, I hate you." Sebastian says jokingly laughing.

"But all jokes aside, I think you should talk to her..."

"Yeah...I guess I should."

"And what do you mean 'You guess'? Clearly you're still feeling Nia, just shoot your shot." Anthony says.

"I don't know...I need to think about it."

October 26, 2018
2:17 AM

*Nia having a Nightmare*

"Derek...No...please, just get out and leave me alone..." Nia says to the man who had been keeping her hostage in their old home.

"You really think I'm gonna make this easy!? HUH!?" Derek yelled in her face, spit droplets flying from the Man's lips.

"Derek please...it's been five years, and you just got released..." Nia says trying to talk the man down as he sat across from her and picked up a nearby hand gun.

"What else is new?" Derek says shrugging his shoulders, while loading bullets into the Hand gun. "You know, I'll never get those 5 years back Nia? Ever since our story hit the internet no employer has had any interest in hiring me? I can't get a job anywhere, I can't drive...my whole life is shit because of you Nia!"

"Are you fucking kidding me Derek!? You've made my life a living hell for no reason our whole marriage, and your life is shitty because I got your ass put in a prison cell where you belong!?" Nia yelled back.

"You got me fucked up if you think I'm the one ruining your life. You've been ruining mine for 8 years." Nia says before catching a pistol to the cheek.

"You haven't changed a bit bitch. You still haven't learned by now when to stop talking?"

"What else is new?" Nia says Mocking the man followed by the roll of her eyes.

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