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Previously on Fatal Attraction

7:28 PM

Nia parked her car in the car garage of the complex and took a picture of what floor she was on so that she could remember in the morning. She immediately rushed back to the apartment so that she could take Duke out for a potty run before feeding him his dinner.

The whole time she'd been walking around the complex, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. Nia looked around while Duke had been securely walking by her side and she sighed shaking off the feeling.

"Come on Duke, lets go have Dinner, and then we'll go out one last time later on." She said bringing the dog inside. Nia took the elevator up to the third floor and began her walk down the hall. Before Nia got to her apartment she stopped dead in her tracks and Duke began snarling and growling once again...Derek had been sat in front of her apartment door, waiting.

"Hey baby...I've been waiting for you, you're late." Derek says with a grin.

"What do you want?"

"Just to talk..."

"No...No...I don't know how you found me but you need to leave Derek..."

"Listen I just want to talk!" He said raising his voice.

"Keep your voice down...other people live on this floor..." Nia said. "You're in my way, please just get out of here."

"Why are you being a stupid fucking cunt?" he yells taking a step towards Nia. As Derek is yelling multiple residents peak out of their doors to watch what's going on between Nia and Derek. Of course no one said a thing.

"Don't talk to me like that Derek, you need to go right now..." As Derek takes another step towards Nia, Duke barks and jumps at the man, threatening to attack him.

"Derek...Get out of here now, I'm not asking again..." just then Sebastian's door flew open and he stood at Nia's side looking Derek up and down.

"Hey Nia, what's going on? I heard Duke, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay...who's this?" He asks skeptically.

"Sebastian, this is Derek Boston...my ex-husband."

"Hey man you're Sebastian Stan right?"

"Yep, that's me." Seb nods protectively standing in front of Nia.

"Derek was just leaving." Nia says backing away towards her apartment door.

"I never said that, we're not done having this conversation Nia!" Derek yells.

"Hey man, what's your problem? Can't you see she just wants to go home? She just worked a long ass day and wants to be with her dog, how about you just leave her be..." Sebastian says in a calm voice.

"This isn't over...Remember, I know where you live." Derek says before stepping into the elevator. Nia got chills as the elevator doors closed.

"I'm so sorry about that everyone..." Nia apologizes to the people who'd sat watching everything happen. "I promise it won't happen again..."

Fatal Attraction- Sebastian Stan FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now