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*Current Day*

Today was the day, moving day. After a couple weeks of searching, Nia found a decent apartment complex to move into, it was perfect for her and Duke, and she was beyond excited. Nia's closest friend Celeste had been by her side through the whole process.

"GIRRRRL...I'm so excited that you're finally moving into your apartment, how do you feel?"

"To be honest I'm a little nervous about this Celeste. What do I do if he finds me?" Nia replies playing with the strap on her purse.

"He won't." She says to Nia. "Now how about we get to moving all this stuff, Remember that U-haul charges by the hour."

"Let's start with that couch first, moving it is going to take the longest since we have to lug it up the stairs." The two women got out the front of the truck and Nia opened the back to see the couch front and center.

"Let's get to it..." she says getting in the truck behind the couch.

"You hear that?"

"Hear what Chris?"

"You don't hear that Seb? It sounds like something is outside." Chris says as he goes to look out of the window of Sebastian's apartment.

"Looks like someone is moving in, come see." He says flagging Sebastian over to the window. Seb looked and saw two women three stories below trying to maneuver a sofa out of the back of the moving truck.

"They look like they're struggling. Why is nobody helping them?" Chris asks himself sounding annoyed.

"I know...people are rude. Let's go down and introduce ourselves and see if they need help before they throw their backs out." Seb says throwing on his sneakers and grabbing his apartment keys with Chris following suit.

"Girl, what are you doing? I thought we said on three!" Nia said to Celeste trying not to laugh at how dramatic she could be.

"Girl this thing is heavy, I don't even think I can make it to the door, remember you're the power lifter between the two of us." She said making Nia laugh, sitting on the back of the truck trying to think of a better plan.

"Oh my gosh Nia, look..." Celeste says to Nia in a whisper.

"What?" She whispers back.

"Look who just walked out of the building...it's Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans..." she said trying not to make it obvious she'd been staring.

"You're lying, where?" Celeste subtly pointed to the two men and Nia's eyes widened.

"Wow...I can't believe I'm going to be neighboring with celebrities...I wonder what the two of them are doing in New York..." she says raising a brow.

"Oh my gosh, they're coming over here...play it cool." Celeste says quickly getting herself together.

"Hey Ladies good morning, how are you?" Chris says introducing himself.

"I'm good." Celeste says smiling. "My name is Celeste, and this is my best friend Nia." Celeste was always the more outgoing friend whereas Nia just smiled and kept it moving, so Nia wasn't shocked when Celeste was the first to say hello.

"Hi I'm Nia," she said with a timid smile which got Sebastian's attention. "I guess we're all going to be neighbors, I'll be moving into an apartment on the third floor. By the way, I'm a huge fan of you guys! I love Marvel movies!"

"Thanks! Third floor you said?" Sebastian asks.


"Sweet, I'm on the third floor also." He said with a warm smile. "Chris and I heard all the commotion from upstairs and so we wanted to come down and introduce ourselves and see if you ladies needed help moving this couch."

"Oh my gosh no, it's alright. I-I couldn't ask you guys to-"

"Don't be ridiculous, we're not just going to let you two try to lift this thing on your own." Chris says.

"Yeah, no. I rather us help you ladies out then have you call someone and pay the extra money." Sebastian said already getting onto the moving truck, while Chris took the other half.

"Ready Seb?"

"Yep...lift!" He says as the two of them lifted the couch while Nia and Celeste held the door open for the men. The two of them effortlessly lifted the couch up to the third floor and surprisingly they were able to fit the couch in the elevator.

Nia showed the two men to the apartment door and Sebastian began smiling while they waited for Nia to unlock the door.

"Well what do you know..." he says. "You and I live right next door to each other, who would have known."

"Oh my gosh no way, that's insane!" She chuckled as she pushed the door open, showing the men where to put the couch.

"You guys are absolutely awesome, Thank you guys so much for that! Can I offer the two of you a couple dollars?" She asks.

"No." Both Chris and Sebastian replied simultaneously before looking at one another and back at Nia.

"Please, at least let me give you something in return...can I cook you guys dinner, water your plants while you're away or..."

"It's okay, you don't owe us anything in return for helping you move." Sebastian says with a smile. "Now let us help you finish."

"Wow, Thank you..."

"Anytime neighbor."

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