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Three weeks Later
July 2, 2018
11:55 AM

"Ms. Ella...you've been fed, changed and your vitals are up to par would you mind telling me what all the fuss is about? Huh?" Nia said smiling at the newest addition to the NICU. With her lunch break coming up in a few short minutes, she wanted to make sure little Ella was squared away. If there's one thing Nia couldn't stand it was failing to finish what she's started.

"Everything okay Nia?" Asks her co-worker Laura.

"Yeah, she's fine. Just fussy...she likes to be heard." Nia says as she re-opens the child's incubation unit just to hold the child for a moment.

"You looking for this?" Nia says placing a pacifier between the newborn's lips. She couldn't quite grasp the object in her mouth but she managed to acknowledge it was there by repeatedly pushing it in and out of her mouth with her small tongue.

"I don't get it..." Laura says to Nia.

"What don't you get?" Nia asks confused.

"How someone like you is single with no kids." Laura says making Nia roll her eyes at the fact that she was totally insensitive to the fact that she'd just gotten away from a toxic relationship not long ago.

"It's a matter of waiting for the right one to come along at this point, we can't all be like Laura married with kids by 28." Nia says.

"Correction 27...If you keep holding her like that you're going to make it harder on her...Seriously Nia, you don't even need the ring to be pregnant you know."

"Well until then I'm fine being a dog Mom as well as being a mother figure to infants who don't even get to see their mothers 50 percent of the time." Nia replies thinking of Duke back at her apartment. Nia checked the time on her Apple Watch and it read "11:58" indicating that it was practically her break.

"Oh man, look at the time...it's almost 12." Nia says gently placing the small infant back in her incubation unit, closing the lid as small cries erupted from the child's lips.

"I know Ella baby, I'll be back." Nia chuckled.

"Okay Laura in about 15 minutes Isaiah, Maya, and Mateo need their vitals checked and Lincoln's mother will be in for a visit at 12:45. Other than that everyone should be good on feedings and diapers until I come back."

"Okay sounds good. Have a good break Nia!" Laura says as Nia removes her gloves and washes her hands.

"Trust me, I will..." she said as she tried not to make it obvious she had somewhere to be. Sebastian wanted to have lunch with Nia at the hospital and she was very excited to say the least that he would be coming. She had no idea what he was bringing for lunch, but she was supposed to be meeting him in the outdoor area right outside of the hospital. She had her pager clipped to her scrubs just Incase she was going to be paged. As Nia is taking the elevator down to the cafeteria floor, her phone buzzes in her pocket.


S- Hey you, what's your location?❤️

N- Hey Khalid, my bad! I'm on my way down, I was giving a nurse instructions. Where are you seated?"

S- Ha Ha HA...hilarious lol. Jk I'm at the table closest to the stairs love bug!😘

N- Okay, be right there. Lol


It's been roughly three weeks since Nia and Sebastian became official and they've been trying their best to keep it on the down low at least until Seb was ready for the public to know. It didn't really bother Sebastian so much, but Nia kind of had some feelings about Sebastian being so secretive about their relationship. She understood that as a celebrity he valued his privacy, and Nia wasn't used to the limelight like Seb was. The whole "dating a movie star" thing was going to be a major adjustment for Nia in general.

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