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October 20, 2018
11:30 AM

"Celeste..." Nia says knocking on the guest room door. "You up?"

Nia patiently waited outside of the door and heard footsteps approaching the door. "Hey girl, I'm up you okay?"

"Yeah I just wanted to let you know that I made some breakfast if you want any." Nia says.

"Girl yes you know I do." Celeste says following Nia out to the bar table where she had put out everything she cooked.

"Nia..." Celeste says folding her arms over her chest.

"What?" Nia chuckled.

"...you didn't have to make all of this, you already treated to dinner last night." Celeste replies.

"Well you've literally been there for me a lot the past couple days and I really I appreciate you helping me Celeste...you being here is helpful to me." Nia says.

"Well you know what Nia, you've been there for me through a lot of my shortcomings as well. As best friends we're supposed to be there for one another. You're a sister to me Nia...I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had never called the police on that imbecile." Celeste says with a sigh.

"Speaking of which, I need to go to the phone store and pick up my new cellphone today." Nia says.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired of watching your ass use that busted cellphone." Celeste says making Nia laugh.

"Well it was cheaper for me to wait since I was due for my upgrade this month anyway, don't hate." Nia said playfully punching Celeste in the shoulder.

"Can you even drive yet with your hip?" Celeste asks putting together a plate for herself.

"I haven't practiced yet...Technically I was okay to start driving on Thursday, and I still need to use a single crutch to get around." She explains. "My consultation for my hip is on Wednesday since I never got PT after surgery."

"Ah okay, I got you. I still can't believe I almost lost my sister 3 months ago...I can't even imagine how different things would be if that bus would have killed you..."

"I know...I thank God everyday for his grace and his mercy. I'm Thankful for the simple fact that I'm walking again."

"Your neck is good again right?"

"Yep. The X-rays say that everything reconnected properly, and I only have to wear the donut until Wednesday when I go back to get my hip looked at."

"That's good girl, I'm glad. In that case, I can drive you to Verizon if you want..." Celeste says.

"Okay, sounds like a plan. Thank you Celeste."

"Girl you know I got you." Celeste says. "What time does Verizon usually close?"

"The email says I need to pick up my phone by 2ish..." Nia says scrolling through her emails. "So I guess as long as I get the phone by 2 we're good."

"Okay, we'll leave out around 1:30ish." Celeste says pouring herself a glass of water and sitting down with her plate.
2:10 PM

"Okay sis, I see you flexing your new IPhone 8." Celeste says holding the door for Nia as she used a single crutch to walk out of the Verizon store. "I still can't believe you used that busted phone for a month."

"They had no more 5cs in stock back in September and I figured it made more sense to just upgrade now like I was saying earlier. Considering Stephan completely trashed my phone before he disappeared, I'm surprised Verizon was able to recover all my photos and my contacts." Nia says as her and Celeste get in the car and head back to the apartments.

"How do you feel now that he's gone?" Celeste asks.

"I'm glad, but I'm terrified...I'm actually shocked he hasn't tried to come back."

"...And why is that?" Celeste asks confused.

"Well as far as I know, he does still have the key to my apartment..." Nia says with a sigh.

"Can't you get your keys and your locks changed?"

"I could...I don't know who to ask about that though."

"I'm sure if you just talk to resident services they'll call a locksmith to come do it for you." Celeste suggests.

"Okay...when we get back to the complex that's the first thing I need to do...that's pretty much the only thing that's been eating away at me since I last saw him."

"Nothing else has been bothering you?" Celeste asks.

"Not really...should I be bothered about something?" Nia says with a laugh.

"You really forgot that quickly?"


"Nia, in the three months that you've had no contact with Sebastian...you mean to tell me it hasn't bothered you that the two of you haven't talked since last month?"

"I guess not..." Nia says shrugging her shoulders. "At first it bothered me because he blatantly ignored my calls, not to mention he changed his whole phone number so he wouldn't have to hear from me...so I honestly don't think I have any business trying to contact him after that..."

"Nia, don't be stupid just call him!" Celeste argues.

"Why should I!? He's probably back to hating me again and it's whatever at this point."

"Nia...he was extremely worried about you. He had Chris call me just to see if you were alright...I doubt Sebastian is still angry at you for the phone snooping thing..."

"That's what broke us up in the first place, so I don't even know Celeste. I guess whenever he gets back we'll have to talk about things...I doubt he even wants to be in a relationship with me after dealing with my nonsense before he left." Nia says. "I apologized to him, and I even told him that I Loved him..."

"You did what?"

"I told Sebastian that I loved him. He didn't say it back anyway, so he probably doesn't feel the same way which is fine with me I guess." Nia says.

"Okay Nia...I personally think you are being ridiculous but if that's what you think then I won't try to tell you differently." Celeste sighs obviously disagreeing with Nia's thought processing. "I just don't understand you sometimes..."

"What is it that you don't understand?" Nia asks.

"Nia, you know the one and only Sebastian Stan...He's a good looking guy, single, and most likely has feelings for you even after all the mess you put him through. When two people really love and care about each other they figure their shit out, all I'm saying is, don't make the same mistakes."

"True...I have made some dumb ass mistakes Celeste...I guess I'm just worried he won't feel the same about me, or that he found someone knew and that he only called me out of pity on that day." Nia says with a sigh.

"He loves you Nia...he might not say it but I feel like his actions have shown it."

"Okay...Well I guess we'll have to see when he gets back and there's no telling when that will be." Nia says looking out the window.

"I just wish you would have a more positive outlook on your future with him..."

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