
637 28 1

6:47 PM

"Hello Mom?"

"Nia sweetheart, how are you?"

"Good, how are you?" Nia replies.

"I'm alive and well and I'm Thankful to God for keeping me each and everyday." She chuckled over the phone. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just wanted to talk to you about the Fourth of July on Wednesday..." Nia said receiving a sigh from the woman.

"Give me one good reason why I should go to your sister's..."

"Because Mom, that's your daughter...We're your daughters. We want to see you and we both love you and things aren't the same when you aren't around..."


"Mommy please..." Nia begged, the frustration in her voice very evident.

"No Nia..."

"Okay, well it's none of my business what's going on between you and Lauryn but I hope the two of you find it in yourselves to move past it and come together. You and Lauryn are the two people I love the most in this world and it hurts me that you guys won't talk things out...whatever you decide to do, I hope you change your mind about coming to the cookout."


"Okay well I love you Mommy and I'll talk to you later."

"Okay Nia, I'll talk to you later and I love you too."

"Let me know what you decide..." she sighs before her mother abruptly hangs up the phone. As soon as she got off the Phone with her Mother, the next thing on her list was to contact her sister.

L- Lauryn
N- Nia

N- Hey sis we need to talk. You free?"

L- What's the matter Nini?

N- Nothing serious, I just want to talk.

L- Oh okay, I was worried...can I call you in a few? I'm putting Lele down for bed.

N- Of course, there's no rush!☺️

Nia clicked the lock button on her phone and plugged it in before placing it on her night stand. Nia knew she needed to do what she had to do to reunite Lauryn with her mother, it wasn't even a matter of trying to impress Sebastian with a family that wasn't very impressive at times like this, she sincerely wanted nothing more but to reunite her two loved ones.

Nia already knew the deal, as soon as Lauryn and her mother got together they would act like things were okay between the two of them and they would do it for her. They weren't aware that Nia was hip to their jive, and at this point in time she was ready for the fake love to come to an end. While Nia waited for her sister to call back she decided to hop in the shower to clear her head of what had been stressing her out. She also needed a moment to collect her thoughts so that she could say what she knew she had to say.

As soon as she got out and put on lotion and a clean set of pajamas she'd seen that she had a missed FaceTime call from Lauryn and immediately called her sister back.


"Hey Laur how's it going?"

"All has been good, I'm just preparing for the cookout on Wednesday. So what's on your mind?"

"Well firstly I haven't been completely honest with you, Sebastian and I finally made it official!"

"Oh my gosh sis I'm so happy for you! How long?"

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