
565 31 1

2:30 PM

Today had been the first time Nia had done real grocery shopping for the apartment since she moved in. Before today she'd been surviving off of casseroles, cereal and whatever was served in the hospital cafeteria.

"Okay let's see...Greek Yogurt, check...almond milk, check...bagels, check..." Nia went up and down every aisle making sure to get everything that she could that was on her list. She took at least an hour in the store, making sure to grab everything she needed and went to self check out to pay for her groceries.

When Nia left the store, she got that weird feeling again...the one where it felt like she had being watched. She usually would be at ease with knowing she most likely had no one watching her but her confidence had been completely depleted with Duke not around to protect her.

From an alley nearby she saw a flash of light and looked around in confusion and tried to ignore what she'd seen. Eventually she'd seen a flash of light at every corner and was beginning to think she had been losing her mind...that is until she saw that it had only been the paparazzi.

"Wait a minute..." Nia whispers before placing her grocery bags down and getting on her phone.

She opened up the Safari app on her phone and typed 'Sebastian Stan' into the google search engine. She gasped at seeing that her and Sebastian hanging out had gone viral, that probably explained how Derek was able to find her...but a lot of the pictures taken had been of only her and Duke going on a walk and some were from a different day of the week. She couldn't believe those people had invaded her personal life on this level.

"Unbelievable..." she sighed picking up the groceries and continuing to head back to the apartment. Before Nia could walk any further she had been tugged back by a firm hand as she was dragged into the alley behind her and immediately thrown up against the wall.

Shocker...she had come face to face with Derek once again.

"What do you want from me Derek..."

"We never got to finish our talk from last week, but before we 'talk' how fucking dare you file a restraining order against me Nia?!" He yelled in the woman's face. "They came to my job and everything, it was so embarrassing!"

"Well it serves you right for embarrassing me in the comfort of my own home!" Nia yelled earning herself a fist to the face. She should've known he would do that.

"Gosh, ever since you started seeing that Sebastian guy you've become such a bitch. You're not the Nia that I fell in love with..."

"That was never love..."

"I LOVED YOU!" He yelled in Nia's face not allowing her to finish the sentence.

"Stop yelling at me Derek! Don't you understand how much you've hurt me? I've had bones broken because of you, I've been hospitalized because of you...all of the things that are wrong with me Physically and emotionally are all because of you Derek Boston, and that is why I filed for a divorce. I filed the restraining order so that I wouldn't have to look at your face ever again, you had absolutely no right to show up at my apartment that night!" Nia says.

"I'm absolutely done letting you ruin my life, and I'm ready to take that back from you. After the police find out about this, you're going the fuck away for a long time, and I hope you're happy!" Nia yelled. She was sick and tired of being afraid...she spent 3 years of her life in silence and darkness and now that her time with Derek was up she was going to speak her mind all she wanted.

"How dare you speak to me that way..." Derek said through gritted teeth. He grabbed Nia by her hoodie and lifted her up to the wall, drawing his fist back.

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