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Previously on Fatal Attraction


"So how have things been since leaving Derek?"

"Not good...three weeks after I left him he figured out where I live so now he knows that I live here and that terrifies me..." Nia replies truthfully.

"How have you been dealing?"

"Well...lets just say, I met this guy..."


"What do you want from me Derek..."

"We never got to finish our talk from last week, but before we 'talk' how fucking dare you file a restraining order against me Nia?!" He yelled in the woman's face. "They came to my job and everything, it was so embarrassing!"

"Well it serves you right for embarrassing me in the comfort of my own home!" Nia yelled earning herself a fist to the face. She should've known he would do that.

"Gosh, ever since you started seeing that Sebastian guy you've become such a bitch. You're not the Nia that I fell in love with..."

"That was never love..."

"I LOVED YOU!" He yelled in Nia's face not allowing her to finish the sentence.

"Stop yelling at me Derek! Don't you understand how much you've hurt me? I've had bones broken because of you, I've been hospitalized because of you...all of the things that are wrong with me Physically and emotionally are all because of you Derek Boston, and that is why I filed for a divorce. I filed the restraining order so that I wouldn't have to look at your face ever again, you had absolutely no right to show up at my apartment that night!" Nia says.

"I'm absolutely done letting you ruin my life, and I'm ready to take that back from you. After the police find out about this, you're going the fuck away for a long time, and I hope you're happy!"


8:27 am

"This day couldn't have come sooner..."

"Hey, you're going to get this order...you know you can trust me to tell the truth, and I know that you'll speak your truth..." Sebastian says holding Nia's hand tightly in his own.

"Thank you Sebastian...I'm more concerned abou-"


"That..." Nia sighs as Derek's loud voice booms throughout the hallway of the courthouse.

"Are you kidding me right now? You really told on me...I spent all of Monday and Tuesday in a holding cell, I hope that makes you happy!" He yelled as Sebastian protectively stood in front of her.

"Don't you ever get tired of harassing her?" Sebastian asks slightly raising his voice at Derek.

"Derek...please not now..." Nia says.

"Mr. Boston...keep your voice down." His lawyer says to him. "Your track record with the plaintiff already isn't the best...I suggest you just let her be."

"I can't wait to expose you Nia Harris...just wait..." Derek grins as Sebastian wraps an arm around Nia and holds her tightly to his side.


Fatal Attraction- Sebastian Stan FanFictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora