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July 20, 2018
Friday, 6:30 AM

In the early hours of the morning, Nia could hear the sound of Sebastian's phone alarm, signifying that he needed to get up, and get dressed. When she didn't feel movement from the other side of the bed, she sighed and slowly rolled over trying to be cautious of her fragile neck.

"Sebbies...wake up babe..." Nia whispers, gently using her fingers to stroke the stubble on his cheek. The man had insisted on taking the futon in her guest room that night since Nia made the announcement that they were 'Just Friends' but when a thunderstorm rolled through the previous night, her mind had been changed.

She wanted Sebastian to be there to snuggle her, she could have sworn her medication was making her feel the way she did...but at the same time she started thinking that maybe she had been afraid of her own feelings, and blaming her medicine on her newly found neediness was her best bet.

"Sebs, you gotta get up Hun...the driver will be here any minute to pick you up. Remember? You said you'd be leaving at 7."

"Shit...you're right...I'm up, I'm up. Thanks Nia." Sebastian said quickly sitting up out of Nia's bed. Nia grinned at the sight of his back muscles being exposed to her in the darkness...it was almost like Sebastian knew Nia was going to reach out and touch him. Moments later he stood up from the mattress, and went to search for his overnight bag.

"You alright Seb?"

"I'm great." He sighed.

"Oh...okay." Nia said laying back down watching as he moved in the dark.

"You mind if I shower?" He asked.

"Of course not...towels and wash clothes are in the linen closet in the bathroom, help yourself." Nia said flashing a smile which got Sebastian's attention. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and muttered a 'Thank you' before leaving the room.

"I wonder what's gotten into him..." Nia whispered to herself. She tried to just turn over and go back to sleep to no avail, and ended up getting on her phone instead. Although it pained her to do it, she decided to google the words 'Sebastian' and 'Girlfriend' in her search engine to see if there was something more going on. The internet wasn't all lies...right?

"Why am I doing this?" She asked herself throwing her phone down beside her. As Nia began staring up at her ceiling, a light flashed across the ceiling and it turned out to be Sebastian's phone shining from the far end of her bed.

It's almost like the device had been calling her name as she unconsciously reached over and placed her hand over top of it.

"No..." she said pulling her hand back. "I can't snoop through his phone...that's so wrong..."

She looked around and thought about how Sebastian valued his privacy...that man was so private that he was the type of person to get dressed in the bathroom after a shower...it came to Nia's attention that Sebastian hadn't actually started the shower yet.

She put her ear as close to the wall as she could and waited until she heard the sound of Sebastian turning on the water.

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