
253 13 1

September 20, 2018
Thursday, 2:20 PM

"Sebastian I have to go now..."

"Nia listen to me do not hang up that phone..." Sebastian says. Of course seconds after he says that, the line goes dead.


"Look man, Celeste is supposed to be there any minute...hopefully she can stand her ground until then."
3:15 PM

"Chris, you have to call Celeste..." Sebastian sighs pacing back and forth.

"I don't know what that's going to do...Celeste is working." Chris says.

"Would you just try her? Nia clearly isn't safe!"

"Okay...relax, I'll call Celeste..." Chris says quickly dialing the number, making sure to put the phone on speaker. Surprisingly, Celeste picked up the phone after 4 rings.


"Hey Celeste, have you talked to Nia recently?" Sebastian asks into the phone.

"Sebastian? Long time, no see! How are you?" Celeste asks. "Where's Chris?"

"He's right here, I'll explain myself later, but right now I need to know..."

"Know what Sebastian?" Celeste asks confused.

"Okay...when was the last time you spoke to Nia?" He asks.

"I talked to her on my lunch break, right now I'm still at work, I finish at 4."

"Okay Celeste listen to me...If you can, I need you to see if you can get ahold of Nia."

"Why? What the hell is going on?"

"Something happened between her and that asshole, and I guess the dog bit him and he went to the hospital. When he left Nia tried to get his stuff out of her apartment and tried kicking him out but he clearly wasn't going to take no for an answer..."

"So what the hell happened?" Celeste asked.

"The last thing I heard was her being yelled at, and then the line completely went dead. Chris and I both tried to get her on our phones 3 times and she still hasn't answered...he's there with her, and that worries me." Sebastian says.

"Oh my gosh...okay, let me call you back I'll see if I can get her." Celeste said quickly hanging up. Celeste was quick to dial me his phone number and her cell phone and waited for the phone to start ringing After calling her a certain number of times, celeste couldn't even get her on the phone. It went straight to voicemail...

"Damn it Nia..." of course, Celeste had an hour left in her shift and her pager went off indicating either an emergency or something catastrophic happening on her floor.
4:30 PM

"Stop it Stephan! You're going to break the damn door!" Nia yelled from inside the bathroom she'd been stranded there the past hour, that was the only place she could go to protect herself from Stephan.

"Just open the damn door Nia! Why are you trippin?"

"I'm not the one trippin, you are! Just take your stuff and leave already! You have a real problem..." Nia would have called someone already if he didn't smash her phone to pieces.

"Just answer the question, why were you talking to that asshole Sebastian? Y'all were done a while ago."

"Why do you care? You and I have never been together..." Nia says.

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