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5:07 PM

Nia sighed as she parked her car in the garage after having had the longest day of her life. She was so ready to turn in for the day, but she was well aware that some things needed to get done before she could even Think of going to bed. First thing on Nia's PM to-do list...lose the scrubs and take Duke on a walk.

"Come on Duke, you wanna go out?" Nia coos at the dog. "Yeah, you wanna go to that park up the street?" Duke began jumping up and down almost as if he'd known what Nia was talking about. She got Duke's harness on and grabbed a few dog toys for the park before taking him out.

If Nia couldn't turn to Lauryn or Celeste in her times of need, she was certain she could turn to Duke, her original first love. Duke most likely had no idea what Nia would talk about 98 percent of the time, but to Nia Duke was quite the listener. He was Merriam-Webster's definition of Man's Best friend...In this case Duke was Nia's best friend.

"Fetch Duke, Go get it!" Nia yelled tossing the dog's toy off into the distance. Nia really loved her dog more than anyone could ever know. Duke had brought Nia through some very rough times, like the day she adopted him for example...
2 years ago

"I'm going out, I'll be back whenever so don't wait up for me." Derek says.

"Okay." Nia said ignoring Derek. She didn't even want to entertain him, if she did as much as breathe the wrong way, Derek would hit her. As terrible as it sounds Nia looked forward to the moments where Derek would just leave the house and sometimes not return for days, although she valued the alone time, she still felt something had been missing from her life other than her Alcohol addicted Husband.

As if on cue an ASPCA video popped up on the screen of sad dogs and distraught cats in cages and Nia sighed feeling bad for the animals. It took her a minute to think about it, but she'd figured out why things felt so empty in her life...she just needed a friend.

"Welcome to the ASPCA, how may I assist you?" Asks the man at the front desk.

"I'm looking to adopt a large dog, can I see what friends you guys have available?"

"Of course you can, I'll take you straight back." The ASPCA worker took Nia to the cages where she heard a number of animals barking at her presence and others had been simply harmonizing with one another.

"Feel free to have a look around, just try not to get too close to any of the animals. If you see a friend you'd like to meet don't hesitate to ask."

"Okay, Thank you." Nia said with a smile. She slowly looked between all the animals in the cages and not one seemed to stand out to her. She'd seen a Rottweiler puppy that she thought she would like but the connection wasn't really there. Nia had kept on walking and saw a cage with two Pit bulls. The grey and white Pit had been beyond excited to see Nia.

Nia knew from the moment her and...Duke...The cage said his name had been Duke...She knew from the moment her and Duke made eye contact that he would be going home with her. Nia immediately crouched by the cage and began video taping the dog licking and sniffing at her palm through the cage.

She never wanted to forget her and Duke's first ever hello.

"DEREK STOP!" Nia yelled as the man struck her in the face. Derek had been so drunk that he was far out of his right mind and Nia was absolutely defenseless, Derek had been too powerful for her.

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