
523 21 9

2:30 PM

"What time does Lauryn's cookout start?" Celeste asks while she watches Nia do her make up on FaceTime.

"It's from 2:45-6:00, but you know how my family does...no one is on time anyway and I hate being the first one there. Seb and I should at least get there around 3ish depending on traffic." Nia explains.

"Haha true, sounds like a good time though." Celeste says. "Okay Sis, your face looks Beat!" Celeste yelled nearly causing Nia to mess up her eye lash she'd been putting on.

"Gotta look my best for Sebby, he said he was coming to pick me up in a bit so I'm trying to be ready."

"Yes Nia go off girl, show Sebastian what he's working with!" Celeste giggles over the phone.

"What are your plans for the day?" Nia asks. "you and Evans got anything going on?"

"Unfortunately no. He went to Boston to see his family for the fourth, and I can respect that, I love a family man."

"Aww well You're more than Welcome to join Seb and I at the fireworks in the city tonight."

"Thanks for offering sis, but I'm going to be at my brother's house for dinner tonight. Whenever Chris gets back we'll all have to do something together."

"Girl yes! We have to get the guys on board though." Nia chuckled. "Let me call you back later girl I can feel Sebs about to knock on the door."

"Okay sis, let me know how everything goes with Momma Harris." Celeste replies.

"Will do girl, I'll talk to you later."

"Kay bye sis!" Celeste said before hanging up the phone to text Lauryn.


N- Hey sis, my boo and I will be on the way soon. Is Mommy there yet?


Nia put her phone in her purse, and went out to the living room to see what Duke had been up to. He'd already been fed and been out for a walk prior to Nia getting ready and she smiled at seeing Duke laying in his bed fully content. Nia pulled her Pasta salad dish from the refrigerator and sat it on the counter next to her purse so she could find her shoes.

Just as she began putting shoes on Sebastian had knocked on the door.

"One second baby, I'm coming!" Nia yells as Duke barks from his spot on his bed.

"Oh hush, you know it's only Seb." She chuckled as the dog huffed in response. Nia got up and opened the door to be greeted by a bouquet of flowers. He looked Nia up and down and wolf whistled at the woman.

"You...look...Gorgeous..." Seb chuckled hugging Nia in his arms before she let him in the apartment.

"Thank you, I'm loving the red on you Sebby! It compliments your eyes...and the haircut...it's also very festive."

"Thank you babe. From what I understand I'm not living the haircut down am I?"

"In due time you will. Besides the Bucky style, I actually love this look on you too..." she giggled running her fingers through his now shorter hair. "This look is growing on me."

Fatal Attraction- Sebastian Stan FanFictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن