Mycroft oneshot - I will always help you

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Mycroft -

Even though both you and Mycroft have extremely busy and varying job schedules, you do on occasion find the time to cook together. On a typical evening like this, you would start cooking at around 6:00pm and be ready to sit together and eat as the sun set at around 7:00.

Mycroft rolled up his shirt sleeves to his elbow and started chopping up mushrooms and onion to add into the pasta you were boiling. You always loved it when he rolled his sleeves like that. After spending the whole day as a stern, confident Govornment figure, he let himself show his warmer side. He was actually quite a family oriented man (which is obvious when you thought about how much he cares for sherlock) and his freckled, ever so slightly muscular forearms made you blush as he chopped...

Without any sort of warning, a low vibration echoed through the kitchen. You were freaked out for a few moments until you realised what it was, "Oh, that's your phone Myc" you smiled and leaned over the counter to grab it and hand it to him "here".

He smiled at you and wiped off his hands on a tea towel before answering the call and stepping into the adjacent room. You sighed slightly, letting your face relax into a warm smile as you stirred the pasta. You scraped the bottom of the pan with a fork so it wouldn't stick and cursed quietly as you burnt your fingertips; dropping the metal utensil into the pan. The water was bubbling ferociously...

As Mycroft re entered the room, you turned to greet him but your face fell as you saw how disappointed he seemed. "What's the matter?..." you questioned as you approached him swiftly and massaged the neck of his unbuttoned collar between your thumb and forefinger. Mycroft rubbed his eyes and then reached down to hug you as you rested your head against his chest.

"That call, precious" he whispered into your hair, speaking very regally as he did at work, "was from the department of international affairs... they've called me in for an urgent meeting"

You looked up to him, sharing the  disappointment present in his eyes. "When?.. when is the meeting?" You  spoke with a breathy tone which highlighted your disbelief.

"In 20 minutes... they're sending a car to pick me up soon."


You sighed, stepping out of his arms and turning back to the stove to tend to the pasta.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I know we don't get to spend immense amounts of time together..."

You ignored him, standing on your tiptoes to get another fork from the cabinet above you. As you extended your arm, the loop of your apron caught on the handle of the saucepan of water without you noticing and as you lowered back to your usual stance... the pan came with you...

"AAAGHH!!" you screamed as the scalding water drained down over your forearm and legs. You stumbled back in a over stimulated haze and hit your head on the counter, knocking yourself out. The last thing you caught of reality as your consciousness slipped through your fingers was Mycroft shouting your name...


You woke up in the bathtub. Your trousers and shirt had been ripped apart. Your arms and legs had been bound tightly with clingfilm and ice was floating around you, causing an odd sensation of numbness and extreme pain simultaneously.

"My- Mycroft...?" You murmured through cold lips as you turned your head. He wad holding your hand and probably had been for quite a while.

"(Y/n)." He said, suppressing his need you bawl and hold onto you. "I'm sorry... I can't help but feel that this was my fault..." he shuffled closer to the tub and placed a wet rag on your forehead. "You were out cold for 10 minutes... probably because your body was trying to shut out the pain..." he bit his lip and spoke again, trying to keep you conscious. "(Y/n), hello? Stay with me, can you hear me?"

You scrunched up the bridge of your nose in pain. You felt as if each one of your limbs was a separate entity that was throbbing like they were being shut in a vice. You mustered up some strength and yelped through gritted teeth and streaming eyes, "but you need to be in your m- meeting"

Mycroft froze and looked into your eyes with a suggestion of utter and complete perplexity. He brought his left hand up to cover his mouth and let out a shaky sigh to disguise the fact that he was about to cry himself. Your body was still quivering like it was on fire and although the bandages and water helped, you were still in need of urgent medical attention.

"(Y/n)..." Mycroft whimpered softly "I can't be- I don't-... FUCK THE MEETING! do you honestly think your wellbeing is less important to me than my work?... I will always be here to help you..." he wiped a few tears from his cheeks with the palm of his hand "I've called a private ambulance...and John for immediate aid... it's going to be ok..."

You smiled through the pain with tears in your eyes and laid your head back onto the pillow Mycroft had placed behind you while you were unconscious.

"Thank you Myc..."

"Don't thank me precious... I will always help you..."

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