Sherlock oneshot - browser history

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A/n- this is just a really short thing but I had an idea and made me smile so i just wrote it down... enjoy, I guess? Full length chapter tomorrow 😊 x

Sherlock had been out of the flat with John for hours... you were beginning to get extremely bored. As you put your cup of tea down on the table, you eyed Sherlock's laptop.

'Don't do it'

You told yourself mentally as you stared at it for a few seconds.

'Don't do it'

You told yourself again, while reaching for the lid and opening it

'Don't do it'

You bit your tongue as you typed in his password...

'Don't do it'

Opening goodle chrome...

'Don't do it'

Internet history...

You had absolutely no idea what you were going to find as you clicked on that sacred button, but you really really wanted to find out... you scrolled down to search activity and what you saw made you clap a hand across your mouth to stifle a gasp.

Google search history:

'How to be a boyfriend'

'How to be a good boyfriend'

'Am I a bad boyfriend'

'How to tell if your girlfriend is happy'

'How to express emotion easily'

'What do i do if i love my girlfriend but can't express it'

'Human brains cheap'

'Human brains Amazon'

'Does my girlfriend love me'

'Am I doing relationships wrong'

'Is my girlfriend too attractive for me'

'How does love work'

'How to do love correctly'

'How do i love?...'


You closed the laptop lid with tears welling in your eyes. Does he think that you want more from him?... does he think he's not enough?... you pulled out your phone and sent him a text.

I miss you sherly. You are the best boyfriend I could ask for. Xxx

Half an hour later, your phone buzzed and lit up to reveal his reply:

Ok xxx
- S

You bit your lip and leant back in your chair, grinning. You knew exactly what he meant... and that's why you love him...

A/n- sorry this chapter isn't even that good 😅 I'm pretty tired, but I have another Mycroft one planed for tomorrow!

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