Moriarty oneshot - bunny slippers

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As the house was silent (other than the gentle chirping of birds outside your bay windows) you assumed Jim was out on a job or at least somewhere other than home. You flicked the pages of your book as time went on and were almost ready to go to bed when you were disturbed by a rough irish shout...

"(Y/n) what the hell are these?!" Jim stormed into the livingroom scowling. He took a very powerful stance in front of you, creating a silhouette against the peachy vermillion sunset in the bay windows. One hand rested sternly on his hip and the other held a dagger; on the end of which was an impailed bunny slipper.

You raised an eyebrow at him, closing you book slowly. "I don't understand... I mean, I'm no genius but it appears to be my bunny slipper. Or it used to be until you murdered her in cold cotton... how do you think her husband feels?"

Jim slammed the dagger down into the coffee table, pinning the rabbit shoe upside down against the shiny wood. He then held out his hand which you took readily before pulling you up over the table and yanking you into his arms. Your feet were still on the table so the only thing stopping you from falling and face planting the floor was Jims embrace. His physique always confused you... he seemed to be lean and physically unintimidating (until he chose to be) but his strength was characteristic of a man twice his size.

"You..." he purred in your ear "are meant to be my sexy little kitten..." he took a slow step back, causing more of your weight to become dependent on his shoulders. "Sexy little kittens do not wear slippers designed for children... do they?". He bit his teeth together hard next to your cheek, so you could hear the tap of his pearls against each other.

Finally, he took one last step back rendering you helpless. You were hanging there, struggling in mid air with only your core strength keeping your from caving and falling to the floor. You decided that the only way he was going to let you down was to talk your way out. You always did have a way with words...

"Jim..." you cooed, "Jim, jim, jim..." you spoke slowly, letting your voice crackle seductively with each new syllable. "I thought you'd know by now that I wear whatever I damn well want... and if i want to wear bunny slippers, I will buy a pair of fucking bunny slippers."

Jim scowled, biting the inside of his bottom lip as he let you continue. "What you didn't realise, is that those bunny slippers actually came with a new night gown... it has a little pom-pom tail, a fuzzy tie belt, and it is completely see-through..."

Jim swallowed. His arms tensed. He let his eyes lock onto yours and grinned ever so slightly. "And if you ever want to see me wearing it... you will have to put me down...

Jim hesitated for a moment, scanning your face to see if you were bluffing before taking a step forward giving you the leeway to bend your legs and leap down from the coffee table into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his torso and he clung to you like a wild cat clings to an antelope before the kill...

"Alright kitten..." your boyfriend paused to plant a quick but forceful kiss on your lips, "I will let you down... On two conditions..."

"What conditions?..." you inquired, extending your fingers to massgae his shoulder blades.

"One... you wear that night gown for me later..."

"Without a doubt" you retorted, almost without thought.

"Two... I get to kill that other fucking shoe..."

You grinned and nodded, biting your lip as Jim let you go. You fell to your knees and snatched the dagger, which was still embedded in the table, revealing a hole in your poor shoe's face.

"Your weapon, my dear"

You smirked, presenting it to him and grinning. He grabbed it in one hand and grabbed your wrist with the other.

"Now kitten... Time to go hunting for rabbits..."

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