Murder's easy - Sherlock oneshot

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It was a Monday evening on one of those rare occasions that the flat was silent. Through the rolling of the rain against the windows and faint hum of the dishwasher slaving away, all that could be heard as Sherlock faintly plucking at the 'D' note of his violin. He clutched the object to his chest in an upright position like one might hold a teddy bear, or a book while bustling down a school corridor. The soft, sharp note flitted in and out of your consciousness subtly like an insect drawing close to your ear and then cowering at the last moment.
"BORED!" Sherlock boomed suddenly, slapping the palm of his hand across all four strings and placing the violin down on the floor.
"HOLY SHIT SHERLOCK!... Why?! Why do you have to do this?! I nearly had a heart attack!"

"Highly unlikely... Young, strong heart, low blood pressure, not overweight. The chances of you succumbing to a heart attack are actually-"

"It was a figure of speech..." You sighed, cutting him off as you rubbed your eyes. Your head still fizzed a little from the sudden interruption. Sherlock seemed more awake now. The tiredness had drained from his face. He really was bored... He was searching for something to do.
"No cases?" You pried.
"Nope." He retorted, popping the 'p' with a disgust matched only by the curl of his lips. You tried to strike up the conversation gain.
"How do they do it?..."
Sherlock turned to gaze at you. His harsh face softened as he took in your subtle beauty but he wouldn't let it show.
"Who?" He murmured back
"Y'know... Killers. How do they plan out a murder? It must take ages..."
Sherlock scoffed with a tone of superiority as you said this.
"Oh please... Murder's easy..."
Sherlock chuckled again, flopping back in his chair and closing his eyes with a relaxed satisfaction. He massaged the bridge of his hawklike nose with the pads of his left fingers. His free hand, that dangled over the arm of the chair, fidgeted as he flipped a coin between his thin pale digits. You looked at him, curiously.
"Oh, easy it it?..." You egged him on, leaning forward in your chair.
"Oh yes, as a mental exercise I've often planned the murder of friend and colleagues... It's not for the faint hearted though. I doubt your soppy heart could even choose a victim let alone plan a murder..."
You were actually a little irritated by his words. No, you weren't a cereal killer but you weren't stupid! You took Chemistry at school for gods sake!
"Is that so?.." You challenged him, perching at the very front of your seat and placing your feet up into the coffee table. You stared, focused, into his eyes for a few moments. It was a form of communication the two of you had, it was like looking into two crystal blue pools among the snow.
"I'd kill Anderson." You stated, raising your eyebrows in defiance as you prepared yourself.
"Well, well, well... Anderson it is then. And how, pray tell, would you carry out such an undertaking?"
Sherlock was extremely engaged now, he could see the determination bubbling up inside you, your courage to prove yourself... My god it was sexy...

"Two words Mr Holmes... Potassium Chloride..."

His eyes widened wantonly as the words passed your lips. Never had an ionic solution sounded so good...

"Potassium chloride..." You stated again. A cold, knowing look appeared in your eye that could have been mistaken for pride. Sherlock leant forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the edge of his knees as he inhaled deeply, his steepled fingers against his pinkish lips.

"Go on..." He gestured towards you with his hand before returning to the prayer position. His body has an odd looseness to it now, his joints hinged slightly as he stared you down. He was fully engaged now...

"Well." You stated, preparing yourself for the regurgitation of everything you had leaned from your boyfriend over the years:
"Anderson is an easy target. He's simple minded, slow and doesn't handle stressful situations well. He also, from looking at the health reports from the office, has a family with heart conditions. This part is genius... Potassium Chloride is used as a lethal injection as it replicates all the symptoms of a heart attack, stopping the victims heart. If this solution is used in the correct concentration, it breaks down into ions naturally found in the bloodstream. Virtually undetectable in an autopsy... to do this, it requires an injection. Simple. The job would need to be done in summer where mosquitoes are rife, an injection puncture looks suspiciously like an insect bite, AND, if i hacked into the computer systems  i could disable the security cameras in the yard, go into Anderson's office, hold him down, quick injection in the neck and he will become helpless almost immediately. He wouldnt even have strength to cry out for help. Heart stops. I escape. Bye bye Anderson..."

Sherlock was starstruck.

His fingers were pressed together so intensley under his chin that you could see the tips turning an alabaster white.
"Dear god..." sherlock muttered, slowing his breathing and allowing a smirk to tug playfully at the edge of his pink lips. "Now that, that was amazing" the word amazing came out in a sigh, almost like a defeat.
"But, i though you were innocent..." Sherlock cooed as he leant forwards, planting a kiss on your cold cheek. You immediately stood, smiling like a lamb:

"You better watch out Holmes... you never know when I might strike" you twisted your finger through his oaky locks and pressed your lips sweetly againsts his for a moment.
You grinned with a maniacal sickliness and swept your hair out of your eyes.

Sherlock stared out into blankness as you skipped out of the room. Under his breath, he recalled a stanza from Colridge's classic ballad...

"Her lips were red, her looks were free,

Her locks were yellow as gold:

Her skin was white as leprosy,

The nightmare life-in-death was she,

Who thicks man's blood with cold"

-----------------------------------------------------------A/n- HOPE U ENJOY WILD CHAPTER. TIS RARE! U LUCKY 2 HAV FOUND ONE. HAVE GOOD DAY NOW. ❤

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