Sherlock oneshot - vampire

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This was requested by hogwartsHero I hope it isn't cringey 😊😅...

You always noticed him... And he always noticed you. His Piercing black eyes that shot out though his rebellious curls and that skin... Pure and white as snow...

- time skip -

It was a chilly Wednesday evening when you and John were dragged back to Lestrade's office at stupid o'clock at night. The frost was crawling up against the window outside and you felt a slight yet prominent shroud of uneasiness as you stepped inside his grey room.
"Do you know why you're here?" Lestrade asked you in a serious tone of conviction.
"No sir"
You replied instantly, fidgeting with your fingers as you did so.
"Sherlock has just reviewed the evidence that you two brought in. According to him, he could have caught the killer weeks ago if you had consulted him first!"
He slammed his palms down onto his desk, knocking over a pencil pot and sending ripples through his glass of water as if he were a T-rex escaping his enclosure. You winced slightly at the bang.
"I don't need both of you all night... Sherlock, take (y/n) home..."
"As you wish Lestrade" Sherlock spoke softly, his eyes fixed on you and glistening iridescently with sly intention.

- back at 221b -

You were relieved to be back at the flat. It was warm and homely like always, never failing to make you smile a little. You exhaled deeply as you flopped your limp body down onto the sofa and turned your head to meet Sherlock's gaze -which was, once again, fixated on your face-
"Is there something wrong Sherlock?" You asked colloquially, raising yourself from your seat and striding over to the kitchen. He gave you no answer so you broke the awkward silence with a
"Shall I put the kettle on? Im parched!"
"As am I..." He replied under his breath and out of range of you hearing. All the time you prepared your drink, you failed to see the lust boiling up in is eyes, turning from a sharp black to a deep Crimson and pupils growing exponentially in size. He licked his soft pink lips intently as he approached you from behind...
"Sherlock!" You gasped, snapping round to face him "you startled me!" You blushed and put down your cup as his face loomed over you. He truly was a beautiful man... Sharp cheekbones and jawline, gorgeous deep luxurious eyes, unruly curls, slender physique, pale skin... Almost... Unnaturally pale... Almost... Inhumanly pale...
"Are you ok Sherlock?" You asked, worriedly as he continued to smirk down over you.
"How so?..."
"Well... You are very pale, it's actually worrying"
"Oh, my dear (y/n)... It's not that you should be worried about... It's these..."
He grinned psychotically as he parted his lips and bared two, long sharp fangs in all of their pearl-shined glory. He firmly planted his hands onto your waist and dragged you closer to him but you struggled wildly and pushed him backwards, sending him crashing down onto the test tubes and burettes which littered his work station. A glass conical flask shattered under his hand and sent shards flying everywhere. In the commotion, you fled to the living room and grabbed a lamp as a makeshift weapon. Even though you never knew that Sherlock was a vampire, somehow, it didn't really surprise you. Anti social, not outside in the light much, never eats... Of course... It was all starting to make sense. You looked up, breaking off from your train of thought to see Sherlock slowly approaching you, his coat collar turned up quizzically and his atom-splitting cheekbones casting an eerie shadow across is pale completion.
"W...what do you want?" You managed to stutter though your legs quivered vividly beneath you. Sherlock was right in front of you now, his slim hands resting gently on your shoulders, you were transfixed by his otherworldly beauty.
"My, my.... (Y/n) I thought you were more intelligent than this" he smiled mockingly, widening his perfect cuspids bow to resemble that of the structure of a hydrogen sulphide molecule... Beautiful but poisonous.
"You know exactly what I want... It's that same thing that you want... I've seen the way you look at me, I fuel the embers of lust in your eyes! I want to sink my fangs deep into that pretty little neck of yours... Isn't that what you want?"
You stared up at him for a while, taken aback by his comment. It was true, you did fancy the detective, how could you not? Once again, you fell back into the glimmering abyss of his ebony orbs and followed his action. You slid your hands round his back and up to the cuff of his neck. Slowly, he retorted by enclasping your waist and bringing you close to his hips. You closed your eyes and puckered up your soft, pink lips, expecting a fleeting kiss to be planted upon them. In one, cheeky, terrific grin, he uncovered his fangs and allowed them to sparkle in their brilliance for a brief moment before bringing his head down and piercing your pulsating jugular. You moaned slightly in shock, tearing open your eyes before everything went black...

When you awoke, you were laid, comfortably across Sherlock's lap, gazing up at the curling. You felt nothing, no breeze, no warmth... Nothing. You sat up slowly and turned to face the detective, a small trickle of blood adorned the corner of his lip like a trophy, a reminder of what he had just won.
"You ok?" He said, smiling as he grabbed your hand and helped you upright.
"I want to look at myself..." You whispered. Cautiously, you made your way across to your bedroom mirror and  looked in. You gasped, short of breath as you fell back into the bed, clutching your neck. You had no reflection... You had let him bite you...
You shouted as you panicked, holding your head in your hands and trying not to cry.
"I only did it because I care about you."
You sniffed and looked up, Sherlock was next to you, hands behind his back and head bowed. He sat next to you and held your cold face in his hands
"(Y/n)... I know I don't feel emotional like normal people, but... When I see you every day, it's different. The thought of losing pains me... Losing a flower so beautiful would crush me. People say that I am unaware of the beautiful but believe me, I know beauty when I see it, and it's sitting right next to me..."
After his heartfelt monologue, you slapped him across the face harshly before grabbing his head and pressing his lips firmly against yours and letting his hands wander wherever they saw fit. You kissed him passionately for what seemed like an eternity, not letting his escape for an unneeded breath.
"You, stupid, stupid man.." You mumbled through his lips. "A kiss was all I wanted in the first place!" On finally pulling away, his hair was ruffled and his face bared a childish, dazed expression.
"I'm all yours..."
(A/n- oh my god guys I failed! I'm so sorry that this is cringey as frick!! I TRIED! That's all that matters right? RIGHT??!)

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