Mycroft oneshot - a tragedy

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A/n - this isn't really a trigger warning, but this part will get very emotional as it is centered around a  miscarriage. If you are of a sensetive nature, please proceed with caution xxx


Mycroft smiled sweetly as he lay beside you. One hand propped himself up on your bed, while the other laid gently on your stomach. At 4 months, it was smaller than you had expected it to be, but some research had confirmed that every pregnancy was different and that it was perfectly normal for some women to have smaller bumps early on... Mycroft traced circles on your exposed skin, painting invisible stars on your weakly taut skin. In the darkness of your bedroom, all you could do was stare at the sky while your husbands warm breath sent shivers down your neck and spine. When starring at one place on the ceiling, an inky mass would expand, seeping from the walls. On looking away, it would dissipate back into the air, reminding you that you were still awake.

"My stomach hurts..." you quietly mumbled for the sixth time that night.  Mycroft leaned over and kissed your cheek, then helped you into a relaxed upright sitting position with a pillow behind yor back.

"I know darling, i know..." Mycroft cooed softly. His words were soothing but didn't ease the pain. "It's just a side effect of pregnancy sickness. Just think... in 5 months time, little Pierot is going to make you the happiest mummy in the world."

You smiled wildly and tears welled up in your eyes thinking about that hot little body against yours... what it would feel like. You placed your hands on your stomach and leaned against Mycroft's shoulder... you knew just as well as Mycroft, that parenting was going to be hard. A half-awkward silence settled on the room so you piped up jokingly to lighten the mood.

"Well, i guess untill until then I'll have to get used to being fat" you giggled as Mycroft slid closer wrapping his arms around you.

"Excuse me miss!" He chuckled, "you are not fat. Being pregnant just changes you, mentally and physically... you are just as beautiful as ever."

You smiled through the darknes, supressing the growing pain with thoughts of motherhood...

Suddenly, you heard a phone ring. It was weird. You had never heard that particular ring before... it was a high pitched, shrill call which lasted two seconds before cutting to a second of silence, and so on and so on.

"Oh dear... oh no, this can't be good." Mycroft rose feverishly from the bed and ran to his office. A long conversation later, he returned, pale as a sheet.
"(Y/n), precious, I am so, so, so sorry but I have to go. Now!"

Your heart began to pound like a snare in your chest and your forehead felt white hot. It was as if someone had grabbed your stomach and flipped ut upside down, allowing acid to leech through your system and brand you with pain

"W-what? Why?!"

"Business. VERY important business, I am so so sorry but a flight is waiting for me, I need to be in Russia as soon as possible. I'm sending John over, he'll look after you while I'm gone." He was growing more and more frantic by the second; "I'll be a few days, one week at the most. I love you, (y/n) stay safe!"

Through the kerfuffle, you were speechless. He kissed you on the lips and grabbed his bag before disappearing into the night. John turned up only 5 minutes later with a look of apology in his eyes.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" He said quietly, flicking the bedroom light on (you weren't going to sleep now anyway) and sitting by your side.

"Yeah, um.. no? Uh... oh John, i don't know! That was all just so sudden!" You quivered a little, biting your lip as the pain in your abdomen continued to swell. "Can i have a cup of tea?..."

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