Chapter Fifty-Two

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Okay, I'm sharing this one with you prematurely (like, only 21 minutes, but still!) because I am currently writing what I think is the coolest chapter in the whole story, the one I've been working up to since chapter one, and it's going awesome. Makes me wanna start sharing ;).

This chapter though, I do not like too much. It was hard to write--really, really hard. I hate action scenes and I hate this ritual because it was confusing and I didn't know how to describe it properly and it just sucked. Eventually, with some help from Celestis, I finally got over it and went up and finished this thing (so that's why I'm dedicating it to her! Thanks so much!). But it's still bad...

Please try to enjoy it though; the next chapter will be AWE-SOME when it's done (which is probably tomorrow :D)!


          Immediately, he started chanting; without any hesitation, without the need of someone to check if he was saying the right words as Coldflower had for Nikolai, he began speaking in a long forgotten language none of them really understood. He spoke with a clear, loud voice that rang through the whole room.

          “No!” Nikolai yelled and tried to stop him—but his magic could not get a hold on Blake. Terrance too, yelled through his gag, he screamed at him at the top of his lungs. But the werewolf ignored it. He merely spoke up so he would be heard.

          “Blake!” June pleaded. “Don’t do this!” But even her, he ignored. All of his concentration went out to the ritual, and saying the words exactly right, as he knew that the wrong word in the wrong place could set off something no one would be ready for. Pictures from old books Joanne collected came to mind; of huge feats of magic from a long time ago. Rituals that would wipe out armies, that would move mountains and leave huge holes where castles had once stood tall. Bloodmagic was powerful—much more powerful than it’s younger variant, the normal magic spells a magician could perform. And, considering Maya’s blood had been spilled, Blake could not imagine the power involved in this ritual. The little girl had power beyond belief, Terrance had often said, and he was sure this was one of the few things he had never lied about.

          In fact, as he performed the ritual and tried to keep track of the words that he spoke, he couldn’t keep the memories out of his mind; memories of Terrance and Maya. He counted the times he lied, and smiled when he lost count. Terrance, him… they went way back, he had always said.

          “And it’s true,” a voice said in his head. He recognized it as being from his friend, the same one that was screaming at him just a few feet away. The one in his head tough, was calm, rational. It made him wonder if there really wasn’t a way, any way out of this mess.

          “You know there isn’t. You’ve been over this a thousand times before, the ritual has to be finished at any cost. If Maya’s power stays in the air for much longer…

          Blake grunted. He knew. Magic like that wasn’t meant to be floating aimlessly; it was instable and dangerous for everyone around. It was because of that why he recommended Nikolai to perform the ritual here, where the old bloodmagic of the priests could hopefully contain it a little longer, and where the blast would not take out the whole town… hopefully.

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