Chapter Sixteen

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Whew, finally, a new chapter! Took me long enough...

Well, now that Camp NaNoWriMo is over, I am returning to a slower writing pace. And I am trying to do other things, to see friends again (and yesterday, I was back in a kayak for the first time in a month!). Not to mention that I am bordering on a new old-game-addiction... So it's all going slowly and stuff, please don't be mad!

I am not sure if I like this chapter anyways; I am getting a bit confused over June. I don't know how to realistically write how she acts like she is Joanne. Should I jolt her thoughts down, her feelings? Should I make her stutter and hesitate (but then: won't the werewolves pick up on it?)? Or should I just do nothing, and let it take its course?

I don't know. I hope you can tell me your preferences...

Anyway, this is the new chapter. Enjoy!


          Quickly, Terrance and June made their way downstairs. Maya stayed behind, still feeling a bit woozy—Terrance told her to close the door and not to open it for anyone but them—and they rushed out of the room. He seemed to know the way through the building's many corridors and June had trouble keeping up with him. Her new dress made it hard for her to run, and she was already annoyed with it. Still, they managed to make their way rather quickly, and only when they came to the stairs leading into the mess hall, did Terrance suddenly slow down.

          “Remember,” he said, “you are Joanne Vixen. And no one is more important than you.”

          June straightened her back and tried to get back into the part of the Immortal Fox. However, she was rather concerned with Marc. Terrance didn't take the time to explain what happened, or what was happening right now. Instead, he motioned she should move down the stairs first.

          As she did, she entered the mess hall of the building; a large room on the first floor that, like every room on the first floor, was dirty and stank more of werewolf than the rest of the building. Here, the pack gathered, while the higher ranking werewolves lived upstairs. There were no windows, and all the light was given by the torches on the walls.

          The werewolves were gathered in the middle of the room, around a few tables. They were clamoring, growling, obviously upset. Nikolai was standing on one of the tables and looked down on two large wolves who were holding Marc.

          “-and gut you like the pig you are, if you don't talk!” Nikolai shouted at him, slashing his silver dagger through the air. “So talk!” However, Marc said nothing. One of the werewolves punched him in the stomach and he want down, only to be pulled up again. “You better talk, or this is going to get a whole lot worse...”

          June cleared her throat loudly—somehow loud enough to be heard by the werewolves. Nikolai looked up at her, and so did the other werewolves. There was confusion of their faces, and many of them growled at June when they smelled the fox scent. Some stayed calm though. June recognized the three other werewolves that had been working alongside Nikolai two days ago, keeping to the background for a little bit; they were a lot less enraged than the other wolves.

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