Chapter Eight

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Another chapter done. It's a short one, I think. But then again, I think that all chapters of PaL are short. So perhaps it's not that bad... and I couldn't end it later, because then it would have been too long X_X.

Anyway, don't let my self-doubt bother you. Just go and read and enjoy the story :).


          Terrance didn’t argue. Or rather, he tried to, but he could not talk June out of it; she was determined to go to this meeting of werewolves, no matter how dangerous he claimed it would be. Strangely, Marc was okay with it, while Terrance was concerned with her safety—or at least pretended to be.

          “You’re newly bitten,” he said, “not even a month old! They can smell such a thing—and these aren’t the kind of people you want to be showing your weaknesses to! They’ll eat you alive.”

          But she didn’t care. She knew he was exaggerating. And she wanted to make sure Terrance didn’t, in fact, plan to attack any guards at the festival.

          Eventually, he gave up on trying to convince her. It was late and they’d better go to sleep. They would need to be alert tomorrow. She didn’t completely trust his apparent surrender though, and told him to take the remaining bed in the two-bed room, while Marc and she would sleep on the floor, so he wouldn’t easily sneak out of the room in the morning while they were still dreaming.

          She wasn’t sure if he tried anyway; she did wake up from a kick of some kind. Groggily, she looked around—it took her some time before she remembered where she was or what was happening. Terrance and Marc were both standing next to her and Maya was sitting on her bed, observing her. “Good morning, sleepy head,” the little girl said with a smile.

          Breakfast was simple and little; the inn was so full of people that the innkeep had trouble feeding all of them. Luckily, they had provisions of their own, so they wouldn’t go hungry. June chewed on an apple as they left the inn and crossed the square. The weather was good for a change; after a few days of dark and rainy days, the clouds had finally cleared and the sun was shining again.

          “Perfect weather for a festival,” Terrance said as he led them into an alleyway. “For a while I thought it was going to rain, but from the looks of it we’re in for a beautiful day tomorrow.”

          “And that’s good, right?” June asked, trying to determine what Terrance had planned.

          “I think so, yeah. After all, we don’t want to stand around in the rain, now do we? And if the wooden wolf gets wet, it might not want to light up—that would be a disappointment. So I am very glad the weather is better. Aren’t you?”

          “Very,” she muttered, a little annoyed. That hadn’t told her anything about what he wanted to do or what this meeting would be about… She glanced at Marc, but he shrugged; they would just have to wait and find out the hard way. Maya seemed completely unworried though. June wasn’t sure if the child knew what was going on, but her tail was wagging as usual underneath the old travelling cloak.

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