Chapter Thirty-Three

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Aah, as usual, I can never make up my mind. Said I wasn't gonna post anything until it was done, but... see me now? This is me, posting stuff...

But hey, I'm doing this for my readers, I don't want them to get bored!... oh, and it's also for me. I'm hoping to get a little extra motivation from feedback from you guys. So, if you've got time to spare, please vote and comment, so I know you support this crazy NaNo-ride I'm taking yet again...

Right now I've got about 12.000 words, and I'm secretly hoping to get 15.000 by the end of the day (at least 13.333!), so it's going good. But it could go better! So please help me and tell me what you think of this chapter!

Then... enjoy!


          As June and Terrance came back into the room with Blake and Maya, they were silent. Terrance had shared something with her she knew was important and private—something not even Blake knew. They didn’t talk about it anymore, but instead were quick to decide on what to do; they would do nothing. They couldn’t do much anyway. June was glad though that Terrance had calmed down and wasn’t at Blake’s throat anymore. Maya’s relief was obvious as well, as the little girl started wagging her tail again.

          Although she hadn’t said anything about it, she had hated the fight between the two men, and had taken June’s side. Now that it was resolved, she still rather stayed with June—even when Terrance offered to take her with him.

          “Nah,” she said and took June’s hand. “You have to be good with Rebecca in the laboratory. It’s stinky there. I like to stay with June.”

          For a moment, he hesitated, not wanting to leave the little girl alone like that. But he did not want to start another fight, and shrugged. “Take care of her, will you?” he told June.

          “Of course.”

          “Then I guess I’ll go to Rebecca.”

          “Have fun,” June said, sounding much more bitter than she had wanted. She didn’t wait to see his reaction, but took Maya by the hand and exited the room. She had other things to do; after all, she was the Immortal Fox, and the alphas would have noticed her absence yesterday. She had to make an appearance, at least—and preferably, she had to stay all day, making new plans with the alphas. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but it would be best if she did. They couldn’t risk them finding out who she really was…

          Blake overtook them in the hallways, so that he could open the door for them. “Joanne Vixen,” he announced to the werewolves that looked up from their work. Nikolai, who had been lounging in a chair, humphed.

          “You’re back,” he said, managing a fake smile. “We were getting worried something might have happened to you.”

          June didn’t answer, afraid it might lead to questions about what she did yesterday. She didn’t want to tell them she was knocked out for most of the day, and didn’t know a good lie to tell them either.

          Maya’s hand tightened as Nikolai turned his gaze to her, but it was only a passing glance; he was quickly distracted by Blake, who stepped forward and asked, “So what are you guys busy with? Anything good?” In a matter of seconds, he had changed the subject, and one of the werewolves had pointed him to a certain part of the prophecy they were trying to explain.

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