Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the delay, you guys. I had a test and computer troubles and I had written it all by hand, so had to type it over... To make up for it, I give you a big chapter now :). 



          The cry was loud and high and long, and it was clearly audible, even over the cheers of the crowd. Surprised, everybody turned to the source, at the back of the square. June did too, just as the soldiers that had surrounded her. She couldn't see where it came from, or who was making the noise, and it slowly faded, until it grew absolutely silent on the square.

          Then, the whole place exploded in sound.

          From all directions came noises, all kinds of different sounds. She turned around, disoriented and confused. Marc grabbed his dagger—a small weapon that would not be of much use in a sword fight. The crowd split, and June had to hold on to Maya so she wouldn't lose the little girl in the chaos. She was scared and scanned the crowd for possible enemies, but the soldiers had disappeared, and the child was smiling.

          “See?” she said. “I told you there would be music.”

          It took June a moment to realize that she was talking about the noises—and another one before she understood they weren't in danger, nothing had happened at lighting up the werewolf statue. They were safe.

          By now, the noises—all the different instruments of countless musicians on all sides of the square—had turned into a single song that was being played. People started dancing; men and women swirled around and stepped on the rhythm of the music, in the light of the burning statue. They were smiling and laughing and singing and sharing drinks.

          “I-It's alright. We're s-safe,” she told Marc, more to convince herself of this fact than to calm him. He had already put away his dagger and was watching the dancers.

          He gave an awkward grin. “I thought we were done for.”

          “M-Me too.”

          “I guess we got lucky. They didn't want to take in any civillians...” He glanced over the heads of the crowd to see the priests at the Cathedral. Some were arguing and most looked very dissatisfied. “They're surprised,” he said. “They must have thought lighting up the wolf would have done the trick. Or maybe their magic didn't work.”

          “Perhaps it's because I am new,” June said. “I am newly bitten, and I don't react the same way normal werewolves do. Just like the crucifix; I can stand that. Don't you think it's that?”

          “Maybe, I don't know. It could be, but I think we'd have seen some other werewolves get caught—unless they did it very discreetly...” Marc shrugged. “I don't know. You should ask Terrance.”

          She nodded and watched a couple of dancers nearly collide with some other people as they were swiveling around and about, seemingly out of control. They only barely managed to dodge the others, but no one was mad. Everyone was celebrating.

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