Chapter Ten

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Another chapter. Writing is going great nowadays... but unfortunately, typing it over into my computer takes a lot of time X_X. But that doesn't matter; I like to share it with you guys.

So enjoy the new chapter ^^.


          “I don’t like it here.”

          June set Maya down on the floor after having carried her through the building. They were in a room much like a barracks, filled with bunk beds. Only, this place was filthy and it still stank of other werewolves—a scent June would like to be rid of.

          They were alone, thankfully; their guide had left them for other duties. Though it was obvious at least nine other werewolves occupied this room to sleep, none of them were here now. Probably dining, June thought with a bit of dismay. Her stomach growled; she could really use some food by now.

          But Terrance glanced around the room, seemingly unaware of what was bothering her. “You don’t like it?” he asked. “What’s not to like? Okay, it’s not the very best accommodation, and it could use a bit of cleaning, but it’s free! After all, if we’re part of the pack, we get free housing and food, and protection too.”

          “But we don’t need those things!” June said. “We have a room at the inn. We have food of our own! We don’t need this place. And I don’t like that Nikolai.”

          Maya muttered something under her breath—something that earned her a glare of Terrance. “It’s true, he really is!” she said.

          And Marc agreed with June as well.

          “He is a dangerous man,” he told him. “I still believe it would be better for us to leave this place. Go somewhere else. The Seaside Province is nice this time of year.”

          “I know where you want to go, Marc.” Terrance sighed. “But you can’t go there—not yet, at least. We have to ride this wave out. It’s important.”

          “Why?” June asked. “You said it yourself: you are probably the alchemist of the prophecy, and Maya is definitely the Immortal! If we leave, the prophecy won’t come true. We can… we can come back next year, when we’re better prepared.”

          He shook his head. “That is not how it works, dear.”

          “Then how does it work? Explain that to me.”

          He shrugged, and she growled. She and Maya and Marc had been there in that room all day, waiting, while Terrance was talking with those other werewolves about all kinds of different aspects of the prophecy. They hadn’t understood a thing of what he’d been talking about, but had been unable to ask him. But now they were alone—now she had the right to know!

          “How does it work, Terrance?”

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