Chapter Twenty-Two

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Ah, it's good to do this again. Been too long, hasn't it? So it's a good thing Vincent got his act together and started writing the right stuff again. And, now that he's preoccupied with a nearing full moon and all, I have a chance to mess up his plot again. Don't tell him though--let him find out himself. Trust me, it'll be funny.

He was planning some scene with June and Maya and Nikolai, and 'More Marc-attraction' as he puts it. Figures. The guy doesn't know how to make a good story.

This makes a good story. So enjoy the chapter. Finally some quality in his work.


          As the morning broke, Terrance was quick to wake up. For a short moment, he watched June’s still sleeping body, admiring how she looked. But he remembered his plans for the day soon enough, and did not waste any more time gazing at her. He was careful not to wake her as he left the room.

          There was near to no life in the building that housed what once had been the Great Pack of Oakes. Where there used to be dozens of werewolves walking the corridors, guarding the exits, laughing in the mess hall, there were now only one or two; the rest was still asleep. Someone threw him a weary eye as Terrance crossed the mess hall, but he didn’t get up from his seat. “Good dog,” Terrance softly muttered as he watched the guard rest his head on his arms and close his eyes.

          He made his way through countless small hallways, down a flight of stairs and through a countless more. It seemed this whole building existed out of little more than those infinite corridors, with more corners than a dungeon maze. But Terrance knew his way and did not lose it even once. Only when he reached his destination did he stop and wait, hesitating for a quick second as his mind ran various scenarios. He shrugged them off though, and entered the underground laboratory.

          The smoke and heat that greeted him were old friends and he liked them, even if he could not determine what the scents were that hung in the thick air. Little had changed since the night before, except for a table now filled with many jars full of potion. He eyed it for a while before continuing on through the smog-filled lab. He found Rebecca at her workstation, right where he had left her. She was busy working, but at the sound of his footsteps looked over her shoulder.

          “Oh. You again.”

          He chuckled. “So it seems.”

          “Didn’t figure you would be up so early. Everybody else’s asleep.”

          “How do you know what time it is?” Terrance asked, looking around for an hourglass of some kind. There was none, just as there was not a single window to show the dawning sun.

          “Nikolai hasn’t visited yet. That means it’s long before breakfast time.” She glanced at him. “Dawn, I guess. You look like some kind of romanticist, getting up at dawn because of the poetry in it.”

          “You’ve got me all figured out, don’t you?”

          “Well enough, yeah. I know what you want. Don’t need to know how famous your name is.”

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