Chapter Twenty-Four

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Okay, first of all: I'm sorry for disappearing so suddenly and without a trace. School has started again and that's busy. And most of my free time is taken by another project, so I can only write PaL every so often, and that's not much.

Having said that, I suppose I should also say that this other project will probably take quite some time (I don't expect it to be finished before November), so please don't hate me when I don't update a whole lot!

And thirdly, I know there haven't been many fairytales in the story yet. That's because they're hard to make, they take a lot of thinking on my account and I can always make them later. So that's the plan: I'll write those when I feel like it or when the idea for one pops into my head, and I'll put them in between the chapters later. Not now. Sorry!

Well... now that I'm done apologising, I hope you'll appreciate my peace-offering: a brand-new chapter. I like it personally, because June really gets to take the lead and Terrance is put down a notch.

But what do you think?


          “What are you doing here?”

          “Why the Hell are you here?!”

          “Hey, I asked you first!”

          “I was here first, so you can spill it.”

          “No, you go first. You died and yet you’re here. You’ve got the most to explain.”

          “I don’t have to explain anything to you.”

          “So I can just go out and tell them this isn’t the real Joanne?”

          “Fuck y-”

          June shut the door to their room with a bang; the sound shut up the two arguing werewolves that both turned to her, a little startled. “Don’t fight,” she told them. “I don’t think that anybody is eavesdropping, but they would hear it if we started shouting. We don’t want that. We don’t want them to know that we’re… that you’re not my personal assistant.”

          “But I am the personal assistant to Joanne Vixen,” Blake said. “Which is not you. So I think I am entitled to a few answers.”

          “If we give them, will you lie for us? Keep our cover?”

          He thought about it, taking in the girl. “Perhaps. It will help me make up my mind at least And I’m sure someone will be able to convince me why lying for you two will benefit me as well…”

          Terrance gave an angry growl, but June ignored it. “Shoot,” she told him.

          “Okay. First of all, what the Hell? How did Terrance survive? I thought he died.”

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