Chapter Fifty-One

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This chapter is a little smaller, I guess, but that doesn't matter to you guys, does it? It's all equally exciting ;). After all, Blake just took over the ritual...



          “Blake? What… what are you saying?” Nikolai asked, looking up at the figure in the middle of the room. “What have you done?”

          The werewolf chuckled. “What I’ve done? Well… I think I’ve won the game. At least”—he quickly glanced around the torture chamber—“I don’t see any other competitors standing right now. You’re down, Coldflower’s down, Marc’s down, June’s tied up, Terrance is tied up, those two others are tied up… oh, and most importantly, Maya’s down too.” He waved the little trinket at Nikolai. “And I have this.”


          “Didn’t you know I used to be a pickpocket? Never bothered to tell you that, did I? Well, that’s with reason. Because I knew it would come in handy, and I didn’t want you to know what I was capable of. Just as I never told you I actually know this kind of ritual you were performing, and I know how to mess with it.”

          “Mess with it?” Nikolai asked.

          He shrugged. “Spin the formula, change the outcome, whatever. You know, so you won’t end up with the juice.”

          Nikolai growled. “I won’t let you get away with that.”

          “And how are you going to stop me? You’re lying on the floor, and I don’t see you getting up anytime soon. I’m not sure how powerful that cross there is, but it must have taken quite a chunk out of your lifespan, I suspect…”

          “I still have magic. I can choke you.”

          “Then why don’t you?” Blake asked, smiling. As Nikolai hesitated, he took it on himself to answer. “Because you won’t be able to perform the ritual yourself and you need it finished—so I am kind of your only hope, right? I don’t see your dear Rebecca do this while unconscious, and I really doubt any of the others would even consider helping you.”

          “Would you?” Nikolai said.

          He chuckled. “What do you think? I’m the one holding all the cards here. You’re down on the ground, no way to take this locket from me and piece your ritual together again. I, on the other hand, have no one to stop me from finishing this thing the way I want it.”

          Immediately, the furious werewolf clenched his fist to cut off Blake’s air supply just as he had done Marc’s. However, it didn’t work as planned. In fact, it didn’t work at all; Blake remained standing, breathing casually—he even laughed as he watched Nikolai’s surprised face. He reached into his pocket and quickly took out a small orb that glowed with a strange light. Quickly, he glanced at June, who recognized the little sphere: he had showed it to her once, in that closet.

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