Chapter Thirty-One

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Woohoo, another chapter! I'm rather satisfied with this one (more so than the last), so very happy in general that I wrote it in one day.

Hope you like it as well. Enjoy!


          As the morning came, and sunbeams started lighting up the room, June woke up feeling rather rested and peaceful—at least, relatively. She hadn't forgotten about last night though, and couldn't get herself to smile at Blake. Still, he had helped her. “Thanks,” she muttered as he got out of the bed. She avoided his eyes and kept staring at the wall behind him. “Thanks for... you know...”

          He chuckled. “No problem, it was nothing. Now you just stay here while I'll go and talk to Terrance, okay?”


          “I'm sorry?”

          “No,” she repeated, and got up as well. “I want to come with.”

          Blake shook his head. “June, it's really better if you don't. I mean, you've got the worst of that poisoned apple already—let us deal with it. You don't have to worry about it anymore.”

          “I want to be kept in the loop,” she said. “I don't want you two making plans to find out whoever is responsible. I mean... I am the victim. It's only fair if I can get revenge.”


          “No,” she said. “I'm coming with you, and that's final!”

          For a few seconds, he stared at her. She kept her eyes locked on the wall behind him and tried not to flinch; she didn't want to show weakness. She was strong enough to find whoever was responsible, she didn't need any protection.

          Finally, Blake shrugged.

          “Okay,” he said. “You can come with, Joanne.”

          She almost forgot to shoot him a spiteful look, she was so relieved. He had told her she should find a mask, shield her heart, and she had. It had passed the first test. And now... now she would try it out on Terrance.

          She felt a little nervous as she followed Blake out of the room, and had to keep reminding herself that she had to be strong. She shouldn't let him get to her.

          They found him with Maya in her room; the two of them were already awake. She was sitting on his lap, singing as he hummed.

          “-for we're in the wolf's den—the Devil won't find us here!

          “Terrance,” Blake interrupted, ending the song. “We need to talk.”

          He glanced at June, but then turned back to Blake. “What about? I haven't got much to say; I've had no more progress with Rebecca since yesterday...”

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